The Pax Deliver Their Own Beat Down and We Are All Manlier For It!

I thought it was supposed to be Spring???  While in Denver last week, Charlotte was in the 70’s.  I come back to 38 degree weather in the Gloom…what’s up with that.  Hopefully YHC has a good workout planned to keep moving and to keep warm…but I did not.  The band of merry misfits gathered round the light pole anxious to see what the day would bring.  Attention quickly grew to my colorful outfit and I was deemed the human kaleidoscope.  I did try to at least color coordinate my undershirt and shorts…the rest of the outfit…well #showtoknow.  530 comes around quickly so bells over head and lets get the show started.

Disclaimer…there was none…all seasoned Vets.  I took the time to give Outlaw props for organizing the ALS reach out and welcoming C3PO…Great work from all the Pax involved. I also mentioned that I was a touch under the weather, or jet lagged or just lazy so I decided that all the Pax would Q today.

Warm O Rama

SSH x15 IC

IST x15 IC

Cotton Picker/Soybean Farmer x15 IC

Windmill x15 IC

Arm Circles forward and backwards.

The Thang:

22 Mericans in respect to the 22 Veterans who take their lives each day.  This needs to end.

KB Swings x10 IC Olive

Goblet Squats x16 IC (well sort of in cadence) Quick Stop

Lawn Mower x15 OYO each arm Gang Green

Skull Crusher x15 IC Hat Trick

Curl x15 IC Metallica

One arm shoulder Press x10 IC Each arm Outlaw

Single Arm chest press x10 IC Each arm Omega

Figure 8 x20 OYO Elmers

Upright Row x 10 IC Olive

KB Swing x19 IC (Getting better) Quick Stop

Single Arm Curl x12 OYO Each arm Gang Green

2 arm shoulder press x15 IC Hat Trick

Russian Twist x10 IC Metallica

Burner x10 IC Outlaw

Calf Raises, toes out, straight, in x20 IC The Calf Master himself, Omega

Skull Crusher x20 IC Elmers

Lunge Walk with Bell pass through then Zampirini back Olive

Squat x20 IC  Speedy Quick Stop

Upright Row x20 IC Gang Green…Yes he did Cadence!!!

Ribbon x 10 IC Hat Trick

Chest Press with Low Flutter x15 IC Metallica

Crazy Ivan x10 IC Outlaw

Step Back lunge with chest press x10 OYO each leg Omega

Lap around the lot.  YHC squats. Elmers


WWII Situps with bell x10 Olive

LBC’s x20 IC…Bam!  Nailed the cadence! Quick Stop

Box Cutters x20 IC Gang Green  Iron Sharpening Iron???

Touch Dem Heels x15 IC Hat Trick

Heels to Heaven x10 IC Metallica

Recover Recover


I was a little nervous at first as 25 after only quick stop and myself were in attendance.  Glad the headlights started rolling in.

Once informed he would be part of the back blast, Outlaw tried to make a break for it…luckily he stayed.

Awful exercises of the day go to Omega…120 calf raises with a bell is awful…especially when one has a bad foot! BS calls galore…who would have thunk it.  Then back lunges with a press in between…not that coordinated.

Good to see Elmers make his way to MMM.  Good to see you again brother…

Metallica and Hat Trick always bringing the goods and keeping order in this court full of jesters.

Although Q school was last weekend, MMM became a mini school today.  T Claps to Quick Stop for improving…true to his name…a little quick with the count…But his LBC cadence was perfect…ISI

Then Gang Green, notorious for OYO exercises busted out two in cadence…Again ISI.

Great work to all the men today for their hard work and being a part of their own beat down…I like it when the Pax are involved…good things happen as you can see.

Again T Claps to Outlaw and all the guys who helped C3PO with his exercises, yard work and house work.  True leaders in F3 and in our community!

Prayers to Frogger and his M as they deal with difficulties.  We are here for you brother!

Thanks to Outlaw for taking us out.

Lastly, for those that did not know…Moses can really sing. Had the pleasure hearing him at Mass yesterday…man of many talents.

As always, it is a pleasure to share the gloom with each and every one of you this morning.  You all motivate me to continue to improve and I am truly humbled to play a small role in F3.  Thanks to Snoopy for the introduction and hopefully you can fix my next foot issue!

Always Be Improving!
