The Pax Do Not Like Crawl Bears

In the absence of its MQ Roadie, who is getting his beatdowns in at F3 Grandstrand this week, The Mighty Oak drew 15 pax, including 2 Kotters and 1 FNG (the other FNG listed above is Kong, not yet registered).  Here's what we did:

0500: YHC ran a 3.1 mile sad clown Standard through MacAulay neighborhood.  YHC found Bunyan and Tuck near the traffic circle on Stumptown, as they were running into the AO, and joined them for the last 0.3.  Back at the AO, Bam Bam was getting the legs warm with some laps around the school with Baxter.

0525: YHC rolled into the AO parking lot, after finishing the Standard, to find an FNG stretching near his car.  "Is this F3?" he asked.  "Indeed it is," YHC replied.  Noticing that YHC was already a sweaty mess, he then asked "Have I missed it?"  "Nope, you're right on time!"  The FNG then introduced himself to YHC and to Bam Bam, who had just finished his warmup, as Owen.  He had heard of F3 via St. Mark's.  Welcome, Owen!

0530: YHC announced that it was go time, and started to mosey around the parking lot, apparently catching the pax by surprise, who commented on the "abrupt" start to the workout (nevermind that YHC had already given the "1 minute" warning).  Cobains, but it was go time!

Mosey through lot with side shuffles and low side shuffles.  Circle up behind school.  Disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Bend at waist and stretch hands to ground, walk hands out to plank
  • Plank to cobra stretch, then back to plank
  • Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey back to middle of parking lot, to area between two islands.

Bear crawl from first island to second island, 10 CDDs OYO, then crawl bear back to first island.

  • 10 Hand Release Mericans OYO

Bear crawl to second island, 10 CDDs OYO, then crawl bear back.

  • 10 Hand Release Mericans OYO
  • 8 Squats OYO

Bear crawl to second island, 10 CDDs OYO, then crawl bear back.

  • 10 Hand Release Mericans OYO
  • 8 Squats OYO
  • 6 WWII Situps OYO

    Bear crawl to second island, 10 CDDs OYO, then crawl bear back.

    • 10 Hand Release Mericans OYO
    • 8 Squats OYO
    • 6 WWII Situps OYO
    • 4 Burpees OYO

    Bear crawl to second island, 10 CDDs OYO, then crawl bear back.

    • 10 Hand Release Mericans OYO
    • 8 Squats OYO
    • 6 WWII Situps OYO
    • 4 Burpees OYO
    • 2 Turkish Getups OYO

    Mosey to wall near planters at front of school.

    • People's Chair 30 sec
    • Touch Them Heels x 15 IC
    • Feet on wall at 30 degrees, Peter Parker on Wall x 15 IC

    Rest for 10 count, then repeato above sequence.

    Mosey to planters.

    • 2 Dips on YHC's "Down," then flip over for:
    • 2 Incline Mericans on YHC's "Down"

    Repeato above x 5, increasing reps by 2 for each exercise (Dips and Incline Mericans) until pax complete sets of 12.

    Mosey to back of school and grab cindys.

    • Cindy Swings x 20 OYO
    • Full Curl x 10 IC
    • Overhead Press x 10 IC

    Cindys down, line up and sprint to other end of bus lot.  Sprint back, and return to cindys.  Repeato above cindy sequence.  Replace cindys.

    Mosey back to parking lot.

    Crab walk from end of lot to middle of lot, then remain in crab position for:

    • Crab Cakes x 15 IC

    Circle up for Mary:

    • Bay City Scissors x 10 IC
    • LBC x 20 IC
    • Homer to Marge x 3
    • Low Dolly x 10 IC
    • Elbow Plank, then throw to Amen for J-Lo x 10 IC

    Recover, recover.


    • It was awesome to have Owen join us in the gloom today.  TClaps for coming out on his own, too, and for hanging tough through the entire workout!  Glad to have the chance to chat with and get to know him before and after the workout, and hope he makes it out again soon and gets his name!
    • It was equally awesome to have a couple Kotters join us this morning in Brick Top and Chubs.  Welcome back, gents, and nice work!  Definitely didn't take either of you very long to shake the rust off and get after it today.
    • Lot of mumblechatter at the outset this morning, with pax accusing YHC of bringing "a FiA workout" after calling for ISW and WMH during warmup.  YHC was thusly vindicated when the BS calls started to come out during the first ladder / exercise stack, with more than half the pax boycotting / modifying the crawl bears.  Hey, check it out – a FiA #bb from 2 weeks ago with "Crawl Bears" in the title!
    • Speaking of mumblechatter, Titan was messing with YHC throughout the entire workout, setting up right next to YHC and bringing the nonstop chatter, trying to throw YHC off cadence, distracting YHC with talk of tacos.  That was some strong mumblechatter game.  Thankfully YHC had some dedicated and just-loud-enough pax to keep the count, or YHC would have certainly screwed something up.
    • Great to see Amen's 2.0s putting in work now that school's out.  Hallelujah was killing it this morning, and Kong was getting after it as well in what I believe was only his 3rd or 4th post.  Great work, guys!
    • We lifted up a number of individuals in prayer this morning.  Please continue to pray for these individuals and their families.
    • Thanks to MQ Roadie for entrusting YHC with the keys to the AO this week.  MO is one of my absolute favorites, and always brings a strong and dedicated group.  Great to see all the MO regulars out today – Bam Bam, Bunyan, Amen, Tuck, Schneider, etc., as well as one of my fellow Neils in the gloom, Hasselhoff.
    • Bam Bam has started a new workout – #TheHangover – at LFC, on Fridays, at 0630.  Come out and support him at this week's inaugural beatdown, and bring an FNG!
    • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016, almost two years ago exactly.  I'm forever grateful.

