The PAX Fitness is my 1st and ONLY Priority at the Sword…

Event Date

May 16, 2016

The PAX Fitness is my 1st and Only Priority…

11 hard chargers including 1 FNG made the right choice this cool, crisp morning (45F at game time) to test their fitness level as bikini season is right around the corner.  YHC was there for the standard, but the other PAX made the wise choice and got a few extra minutes of Zzz’s. 

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this #BB are a representation of actual events.  No PAX associated with this beat down received payment or anything of value (except their improved fitness and fellowship), or entered into any agreement or connection with the depiction of this workout.  Further, No animals were harmed in the making of this #BB.  Here is their story:


All IC except where noted

  • SSH x 25
  • IST x 15
  • Windmill x 15
  • Cotton Pickers x 15
  • Seal Claps x 20


A natural byproduct of an F3 beat down is an increased level of fitness.  Leave it to the Military to come up with a way to test the fitness levels people without others shooting at them – enter the “Cooper Test” – a brief history…The Cooper test is a test of physical fitness. It was designed by Kenneth H. Cooper in 1968 for US military use. In the original form, the point of the test is to run as far as possible within 12 minutes (Wikipedia – 

So the PAX tackled the cooper test to start the show – as many laps around the full parking lot at LFC as possible in 12 min.  1 Lap = .29 miles.  For those interested in their level of fitness checkout out the chart – Cooper Test Results – Note – it is in Meters so 4 laps equals 1.16 miles = 1,886 meters and it is differentiated by age J.

Following the Cooper Test, we circled up for a little TABATA of my favorite exercises…All exercises 45 sec, 15 sec rest

Round 1

  • Merican
  • Jump Squats
  • LBC
  • Elbow Plan (1-min)


Round 2

  • The Burpee
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • The W
  • Seal Claps (1-min)


Round 3 – Grab a Block

  • Block Swings
  • Block Mericans
  • Block Curls
  • Block Flutter Kicks

Recover, Recover

Mosey to parking lot for COT


Thanks to the PAX for coming out and getting better this morning always a pleasure leading you fine gentlemen.  Awesome effort!!  I will be back in the summer to test your fitness again.

I thought summer was around the corner, until this morning! A frigid 45 degrees at the start made for some shivering – but only for a moment.

Not a lot of mumblechatter this AM, but that is ok with me.  Just meant the beat down was working.  Sorry Elmers for all the running – at least I got it over in one shot at the beginning.

Welcome FNG (Andrew)!  It’s always good to see the young men out getting better.  Hope to see you at Mad Scientist Wednesday – keep coming out and I promise you that the workouts won’t get easier, but you will get better doing them.

That is all –

