The Pax Goes Roman and Learns About the Apolitical Ladder on the Ides of March

Event Date

Mar 15, 2016

On a gorgeous Carolina morning with a nice 55 degrees and some fresh overnight rain on the ground, the Pax traveled to ancient Rome to learn about how quickly the political ladder ascends and descends. Without further ado, here is what transpired:


  • Mosey to the Launch Pad
  • SSH x25 IC
  • MC x25 IC
  • Cotton Picker x10 IC
  • Windmills back to front, small to large for a solid seven count

Let the Gladiators Rule the Day

  • Mosey to the rails
  • The Dip to Incline 'Merican Flapjack Ladder
    • 1 Dip, 1 Incline on the middle rail, then ladder up until the Q is smoked.
    • The current record is 10, we pushed it to 11.  Fine work men.  Not sure if I had 12 in me.
  • Mosey to the Fountain 
  • Box Jumps OYO x20
  • The one leg step up into the runner pose OYO x10 on each leg
  • Introduce the Squat to Lunge Ladder
    • Do a squat, do both legs, alternate lunge is 1, then 2 squats, 2 lunges, etc.  Keep it rolling to seven
  • Apollo Ohno x10 IC
  • Do the squat to lunge ladder starting at 7 and rolling back down to 1 – YEEHAW. 
  • Mosey back to the rails
  • Do the Dip to Incline 'Merican Flapjack starting at 11 and rolling back down to 1.
  • Mosey back to the parking lot

8 Minutes of Mary – YHC care about your overall fitness and has a ruck event to prepare for

  • Peter Parker x10 IC
  • On our sixes –
    • Low Flutters x50 IC – speed up and slow down – Thanks Travolta
    • LBC x25 IC – Thanks TheGeek
    • The Dying Cockroach x10 IC – No thanks to me.  
    • The High to Low and Hold 'Merican  x10 IC – Great work landline
  • Parker Peter x10 IC
  • On our sixes –
    • Low Flutters x30 IC – speed up and slow down – Thanks Travolta
    • LBC x25 IC – Thanks TheGeek
    • The Dying Cockroach x10 IC – No thanks to me.  
    • The High to Low and Hold 'Merican  X10 – Great work landline
  • Airborne Mind Bender for a silent 20 count
  • 1 Burpee

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Loved Hat Trick realizing that I left extra 6MOM time – how long did you leave us here for? – Again, YHC cares about your fitness
  • Truly enjoyed the NKOTB reunion moment – awesome
  • Its always fun to hear the 'Whole lot of running' comment from Primo
  • Welcome back Clooney, glad to see the weather has turned your direction
  • Good work by Shooter and Travolta to get a few miles in for The Standard and then bear with this ladder workout
  • YHC Note – never get in between The Geek and Landline on rail exercises as their superior fitness allows them to fly through stuff too easily.  
  • Travolta absolutely slaughtered the Pax with the slow fast slow count on the Low Flutter.  That was 'fun'
  • The Pax also commented that if Gladiator moves to St Mark's then it should probably be renamed as Christians have a pretty poor record against the Roman Gladiators.
  • It was a great sized Pax.  Its probably one of the strongest top to bottom that I have ever had the honor of leading.   I love everyone pushing through and getting it done. 
  • Prayers to High Roller as he remains working in parts of the world that I wouldn't dare to venture to.
  • Shout out to all those who serve.   I've witnessed the great work of the EMT of Huntersville and the skilled Helicopter EMT who flew an injured lacrosse player to CMS from Huntersville
  • Be great, bring someone else out of the gloom.