the pax got its chill on

Event Date

Jan 20, 2020

Q showed 2 minutes late, got hung up dropping the kids off at the pool.  The pax was already laying it down as yhc arrived.  Twas the first real cold morning in a while and the Q may have had a handful of wardrobe malfunctions. Small Pax today, but big hearts.

Warm up (we needed it)
?? Squats
20 Windmills IC
20 Cotton Pickers IC
20 Mountain CLimbers IC

The Thang

Q offered Sparrow to choose the red pill or the blue pill.  Sparrow chose the blue pill.

Red Pill – The Guantlet Run

Blue Pill
Parking Lot loop with pain stations  (3 loops as a pax) 
10 Reverse Crunches IC
10 Dips IC
10 Squats IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Flutter Kicks (Abram's Style) IC
10 Burpees IC

Pax Parking Lot loop cool down – like we needed to cool down.

10 Jane Fonda's each leg IC
20 Jlowe's IC
20 Dolly Parton's IC
American Hammer 1 Minute

Very little chatter today beyond our teeth.  Counting Burpees IC is a definite cloud pleaser.
Q is unable to operate gloves apparently.
Clark froze his stick.
Mater crushed a run yesterday.
Sparrow laid it down.
Marker was steady as a clock, knocking out the medicine.

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.