The Pax Had to be “Policed” for YHC’s Mugging at The General

And at last, the final “Lake Norman” installment of the #WeekOfOlive descends on #TheGeneral.

Although this is a home away from home with my 2.1’s baseball habit, I don’t post as often as I would like and it only took me 5 years, 4 days and a gimmicky holiday to bless the pax with my leadership.  (Doth protest?)

I must admit, I was rather enjoying the unseasonably warmer temperatures but there was a little dose of reality heading back into the high 30’s.

One by one the pax started rolling in…and many of them late and missed the Pledge.  Eyeore at least had the excuse cause he was bringing the java and I already had the OST flag planted.

530 we honored our Country.  Then…we moseyed.

Keep Warm O Rama

Mixed in buttkickers, high knees, Karioke etc and circled up in the back lot facing the gym.

Disclaimer.  Heart felt happy Valentine’s Day.

Okay enough.

All exercises in cadence unless I say they are not!

SSH x14

Toy soldier x15 (oops)

Windmill x14

IST x14

Mountain Climber x14

My Thang:

Everybody on the curb…now…everybody follow me to my curb.  I lost them already…

Bear crawl to other side and 10 Merkins.  Back and do 8  Flip flop until you get back and do zero.

Repeato but with Squats starting at 10 and going do to zero.

Repeato and now  Broad Jump Burpees with 5 CDDs going down to zero.  Oh wow the bs calls on these were incredible…Toxic…and he called me out on my ugly form broadjumps. Oh well. Many pax were taking some extra steps…hey…you vs you right?


Now that that is over, mosey to shelter…excuse me why you sit on a wall and I get some coffee?  Nah…I will wait.

Peoples chair mixing in 14 air press

Dips x 14

Back to peoples chair with touch dem heels

Incline merkins x14

Mosey to rock pile and grab a coupon.


Curl x10

OH Press x10

Squat x10

Skull crusher x10

Chest press x10 Make room for the ladies as they ran by.  Funny how they seemed comfortable running past a bunch of sweaty men laying on the grounds holding their rocks…or were they…. Enter scooby doo music.

Russian twist x10

Rock swing x10

Move 7 rocks to your left.


Teenagers, throw your rocks back to the pile…

Mosey back to launch.



LBC x14

Dying Cockaroacha x14

Low flutter x14

Rosalita x14

Recover Recover


The police blotter:

Shortly after wrapping up with CoT, Cornelius PD comes rolling in fairly hot and parks.  A young officer comes out and questions the pax on whether they saw any teenagers throwing rocks in the street.  Although we could have pleaded the 5th, we admitted it was us who were throwing rocks and lifting and swing them.  The office laughed because he knew we would never be fingered in a lineup because the witness said they saw a bunch of teenagers.  Case closed!  What a perfect way to end the week!

Thank you to everyone who came out this week.  It was great seeing some old faces I have not seen in a while.  I am hoping to change that…keep me accountable. 

Other items to note: 

14 pax on Valentine’s day… I planned that.

Toxic earning his name.

Something about a quiff.  Should have been there.

Omega…you were not there.

Some good old Berean boys made an appearance…

1 dog

There was an auto signing but where the hell did he go?

Coffee is always welcomed even if grab and go.

Mysterious garbage looking thing on the wall at the concession stand is an AED donated by Operation Sweet Tooth. 

Oh there is a race on the 28th of March.  Great advertising my Toxic.

As usual, rock size was being compared.

Hasselhoff’s calves must have been hurting with his jump rope party yesterday and all the bear crawls. 

It has been a long time since I had this many BS calls… Ruh Roh!

Thanks Eyeore for the opp to Q and pop my General cherry…speaking of which…Blackbeard has a line for that.  #JustSaying

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted.

#WeekofOlive over and out!

Humbly Yours-
