The Pax have heard about Fission!

Fission is in its third week at a new location, the Harris Teeter at Antiquity.  Although, we are still working out the kinks of exactly where to start-ex / end-ex at.  It is either the Harris Teeter parking lot or the Dunkin Donuts parking lot or the one adjacent to both of those.  Got it?  Here is what went down today on a not too hot or humid day at Fission.

0503:  Run Standard with Cousin Eddie, Free Pass, Jolly, T-Bone, THE Hall Monitor, and YHC.  We covered 2.15 miles and previewed many of the definitely-already-planned things we'd do at the bootcamp.

0530 Sharp:


  • Mosey across this nice short bridge (concrete!) including high knees and butt kickers.
  • Oval up, disclaimer given.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Group 1:  Bear crawl across the short bridge while Group 2 planked.
  • Flip flop.
  • Group 1:  Exaggerated long striders (Q fail, not explained very well) while Group 2 holds the Al Gore.
  • Flip flop.

The "Exploring" Thing:

  • Mosey back across the bridge to the parking lot of Barley Market.
  • Break into groups of ~6 for some picnic table presses x 15 single count
  • Group 1:  Derkins x 15 OYO while Group 2 did Slow deep squats x 20 OYO
  • Flip flop.
  • Repeato all that, except increasing the picnic table presses to 20.  (And upon reflection, it seems something like 25 would have been more optimal here; since 6 guys is plenty for this)

Mosey down this road which will be the future home of some brewery?  Sound off in comments…the neighborhood has potential for sure!

  • Couple of sprints, 80% then 85%.  Circle up again for:
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 12 IC
  • Jump squats x 20 OYO
  • Lunge walk back towards Barley Market.  Mosey the rest of the way there for:
  • Jump over these nice logs x 10 each side
  • Dips x 12 IC

Mosey back to the Harris Teeter parking lot.  On 2 sides of one island, we plank-walked a short ways.

At this point, with EIGHT minutes left, THM asked if it was time for Mary.  LOL.  What?  That would be an ABSURD amount of Mary was my answer.  (There was some mumble chatter at this point to the effect of:  Is he bad at numbers AND directions?)  Instead we did:

  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Jump squats x 20 OYO

With a more reasonble 6 minutes to go, we did some Mary.

6 MOM:

  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 30 IC
  • Heels to heaven (from Week 1 of the IPC) x 20 OYO
  • Mosey to my car…elbow plank until time.

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.65 miles.


  1. It occurred to me, later, that the logs had pins to prevent them from rolling far.  But…I don't think they were fastened to the ground?  We could / should have used them!!!!
  2. This missed opportunity will haunt me forever or until the next time I Q at Fission, whichever comes first.
  3. Folks, the Q calendar is open at Fission!  Moses may have grabbed next week.  YHC implores everyone not to neglect the logs as I did, or it will haunt you too.
  4. Gnarly Goat reflected we might need tetanus shots after visiting some of the places we did today.
  5. T-Claps to Cousin Eddie for trying something new and moving the AO to a more prime location.  The Pax have heard!  19 was a great turnout.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead bud!
  6. Ok I'll admit, I can't process all the mumblechatter in real time.  My brain doesn't work that way.  Typically I'll remember funny things said later throughout the day and it makes me chuckle.  Sound off below with anything mumble chatter wise that deserves mention!  But do so knowing that even if I didn't acknowledge it, I appreciate all of it!  That is to say, it is always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.

Aye!  Turnpike