The Pax Never TIRE of Making Fun of YHC

How time flies. This time a year ago I was out of a job and stuck on the floor for 30 days with a broken back. Now, a year to the day following a successful spinal fusion surgery, I have the good fortune to be able to Q a kettlebell workout with 16 HIMs who graciously came out to support my backiversary.


At 0530, as pax were still strolling in to the AO, we moved to the basement of the DPK parking deck where a plethora of bells had been generously donated for today’s festivities. I gave a quick disclaimer with the main gist being to make sure to lift weights with legs and not backs (not that I’m a professional or have any experience with that) and then moved into a truncated warmup of Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers and arm stretching while the plan was shared with the men.

For The Force’s benefit, I will add “the plan was simple” — all bells must move up one level of the deck, one bell at a time doing AMRAP of a called exercise. Pax drop off a bell and then run back to get another. We had 17 men with somewhere between 35-40 bells of varying weights. Once all bells were relocated, we would do an exercise in cadence before repeating up the next ramp with new exercises:

  1. Curls; Squats x15 IC
  2. Skull Crushers; LBC x15 IC
    • Haha, very funny — how did that tire make its way over from Mighty Jungle?!
  3. ’Round the World; Merkins x15 IC
  4. Zamperini; Dips x15 IC
  5. Upright Row; Suzanne Sommers x15 IC
  6. Overhead Press; Elbow Plank

For the elbow plank, we held the plank while each man counted off 2X around the circle. Some of us graciously called our number quickly. Others had to be reminded what number they were on. And at least one (who shall not be named) had to Force the issue and take their sweet time calling a number aloud. 

After 34 numbers were called (which took at least 90 seconds — but who’s counting?) we began our descent back down the ramps doing the same exercises, but replacing a run back to the bells with quadrophelia up the ramps. At 0616, with all the bells back at the main level, we finished with one, perfect-form burpee before recover-recover was called.


In lieu of a prayer today, I offered a reflection of my situation a year ago with a few main takeaways:

  • F3 is more than just a workout
  • Networking for a job, a surgeon, a walker, meal prep & yard helpers, and physical therapy were all thanks to men in F3
  • While in a dark place due to my situation, the presence of men in F3 (along with an amazing M) were all that kept me from taking a life-ending action

One thing that I learned which I encourage everyone to consider (myself included), it to “just show up” if you believe someone may be struggling. Most of us would gladly help if asked, but for someone in a dark place, it’s likely that they may not willingly take you up on your offer. I know that I didn’t. But some pax (I have to give props to JerseyBoy here) would just say they were coming and then ring the doorbell without asking for permission. As annoying as this was at the time, in hindsight it may have been directly responsible for me not doing something drastic. I cannot understate how appreciative I am of everyone who took the time to respond to texts at all time of day (and night), make us dinners, do some yard work, offer their professional services at no charge, and just come over to talk and keep my mind off my immediate suffering. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

In that same spirit, please keep S’mores in mind as he continues to deal with a pulmonary embolism. Also remember Clark as he recovers from the same surgery I had last year. If you have an opportunity to chat with them or make an unexpected visit — just do it. They may not appreciate it at the time, but it may make all the difference in the end.