The Pax shoulder the load at Samson

Event Date

Mar 10, 2016


The Pax shoulder the load at Samson

***6 for a Snoopy Q’d OCR Standard of 2.5 miles with obstacles, stairs, and exercises and fast pace.  Snoopy, Smokey, Turnpike, Auto, Lego, Gray Ghost

15 Swanson’s…Swami’s, Slappy’s, no Samsonite’s “man, I was way off” descended upon the state-of-the art AO at Lake Forest Church for a shoulder-smoking beatdown. 


  • 22 Mericans…an estimated 22 veterans take their own life daily.Keep them in your prayers and as a reminder, do 22 mericans per day for the rest of the month.

  • Grab 2 cinderblocks each and farmer-carry to pull-up forest, approx. 150 yards.We had just enough for 14 of the pax to have 2 blocks each and YHC stuck with just 1.


  • 10 perfect pull-ups…only cheat once you can no longer do a p/u with good form


  • Cinderblock Overhead Press, keep legs locked.10 in cadence.

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Crab Walk back

  • Cinderblock Push Press, use legs to generate momentum.10 IC.

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Crab Walk back

  • Cinderblock Muscle Snatch, now known as the “Cindy-Snatch”, blame Frogger for that one. 10 IC

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Crab Walk back.Auto informed the pax he was born without a crab-walk muscle so he walked back while spotting Olive who lunged back while wearing a ruck

  • Cinderblock Zamperini…walk all the way around the island…approx. 100 yards

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Pax choice…crab-walk back or lunge-walk back

  • Cinderblock Front-Rack carry… walk all the way around the island…approx. 100 yards

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Pax choice…crab-walk back or lunge-walk back


  • 10 perfect pull-ups…only cheat once you can no longer do a p/u with good form

    • Bear Crawl from one end of the lot to the other end…approx. 40 yards

    • Pax choice…crab-walk back or lunge-walk back


  • Farmer-carry 2 blocks around the island, approx. 100 yards.

  • Cinderblock Overhead Press, keep legs locked.10 in cadence.

  • Cinderblock Push Press, use legs to generate momentum.10 IC.

  • Cindy-Snatch.10 IC.

  • Farmer-carry your blocks back to the monkey bars.Approximately 150 yards.



  • Lego called low-flutter IC x 35

  • YHC took the reins back…low-flutter IC x 20

  • J-Lo IC x 10

  • 22 mericans



  • Shoulders smoked!All pax put in a strong effort today, as normal

  • This was justas much a forearm workout as it was shoulders

  • Cinderblock farmer carry’s catch up to you quick!

  • Olive wore the ruck the entire beatdown

  • Snoopy’s OCR Standard Q was a smoker!

  • I’ll be submitting “The Cindy-Snatch” to the F3 lexicon…doubt it makes it in

  • Mumble-chatter was prevalent as expected given the pax list.Help fill in what was missed, forgotten, and/or blocked out of YHC’s head in the comments below.

  • We have a lot of beasts in the pax…lookout MudRun!

  • Thank you Jedi for the opportunity to lead!

  • Great COT take-out by Bijou , thank you brother!
