The Pax takes a trip down memory lane at #theGlen

13 men spent time together this morning, reminiscing about the past year at #theGlen. We covered a lot of ground, right at two miles. YHC tried to focus on some of the most memorable, or stupid, workouts of the past 52 weeks. 


We started the morning as usual by circling around our shovel flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegience led by Lear. A short mosey to Bristol for a round of SSH, WM, IST, Hillbillies, and CP all in cadence. Of course, no warmup is complete without burpees. We did 5 OYO. It  was about this time I brought up one of my favorite memories from one of Chief's past Qs, the Whistleblower Merkin. Each time the whistle is blown, 10 Merkins OYO. Rent-a-cop, "The last time I heard that whistle, I was ready to shove it down Chief's throat by 7:07." Needless to say, the whistle was heard many times this morning.

The Thang

We headed directly to the pull-up bars for 3, no 2 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats. Next we partnered up, and remembered one of my mystery Qs Ramrods most memorable addition, the partner Plank/burpee jump-over. We went to 5, and had to move on. Our next review stop was to revisit Rent-a-cops 9/11 tribute Q. We stood side by each at the bottom of the stairs. We all planked for a Merkin wave while one at a time the Pax charged up the stairs for a burpee, and rejoined the wave. We remembered the great snowstorm of '17 with a trio of bear crawls up the sledding hill. Across the soccer field for a Greg Louganis Merkin. Off to the swings for a single round of 10 swing crunches, 20 squats, and 30 dips. From here we headed down to the boat launch reminiscent of the Race City anniversary, but without the hydro burpees. We charged back to the park, and quadrophillia up the hill at the corner. Down to Detroit Rock City for a short review of YHC's KISStory lesson. 40, 30, and 10 curls and skull crushers. We finished up at the top of the stairs for the Tunnel of Love. Always a favorite.


We covered a lot of ground this morning, but we couldn't end the day without "the Lear" 70 LBCs in cadence.


Welcome Rusty Hooker, 2.0 of Shambala. He works at The Rusty Bucket, and plays Rugby. Fortunately, Dolittle was with us today, and he has more knowledge of the game than the term "Scrum".

Seven ruckers this morning. Comet and Geronimo rucked and rolled.

Missing this morning was any reference to the Pinwheel of Death, and rightfully so. Haha, sorry Contra.

Great time at Coffeeteria this morning. Good to see Big Mean.

It has been a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men this year. Thank you all.

Cant wait to see what Hummer has in store for us in 2018 as the new MQ of #theGlen.