One of the advantages to taking a turn as Q is that you get to choose what exercises to do and how much running to include. But not if you opt to share that responsibility with the pax.
It had been awhile since my last “gutter boogie” — running through the Antiquity neighborhood, stopping at each storm drain gutter on the right to do an exercise with each guy getting a turn to choose the exercise. With 7 guys, we got in 5-6 rounds and slightly over 1.5 miles, but there were several instances where I questioned my judgement in allowing the pax to participate in leading this morning:
- I knew JB would call 8-count, full nipple alignment merkins but I didn’t expect him to do it twice
- Scrappy added a 25-yard dash to his exercises
- Fast Pitch and Yoda thought that was a good idea and did the same
- Hippie has a odd fetish with Monkey Humpers and so we humped all over the neighborhood
- Scrappy and Hippie overrode YHC’s clear instructions to cap sets at 10 reps
Thank God for Waffle House who worked within the plan and didn’t do anything too ridiculous. Well, except for the Bear Squat Merkins which were very Jersey Boy-ish. Heck, even the Q broke the rules at the end and sprinted right past a perfectly visible gutter.
Linkin Park said it best back in 2000:
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter
We wrapped up the workout with a 1-minute People’s Chair which allowed just enough time for Possum and Canuck — who had Canucked my workout and rucked instead — to join for CoT (being the compassionate guy that I am, I gave them credit anyway). Thanks to all for dodging cars with me this morning!
Sounds like a “gut-ur” buster