The PAX went 0 for 4 on Monopoly Trivia Questions at Titan

Event Date

Jul 23, 2018


Today at Titan 4 PAX tried their best to answer some questions from YHC about the game Monopoly.  Turns out we REALLY missed Tantrum today because the PAX went 0 for 4.  We did something similar back in Oct of 2016:

Here is roughly what went down today at Titan, almost 2 years later:

0500:  2.3 mile run standard with Jaws.  Great 2nd F brother!

0527:  Joined by Blinky, Mona Lisa, and The Force, the PAX were given the main (and very hard question).  The PAX could chew on the question and if answered correctly before MARY, be spared some Burpees.

The question:  On one’s first full turn in the game of Monopoly, how many and which Squares can one NOT end on, assuming the rules of the game are followed? 

Hint 1:  You cannot end on the Square which says "Go to Jail", because you are sent to Jail immediately and end there.  So there is at least 1 Square you cannot end your turn on.

Hint 2:  You can roll 6×6, 6×6 again, then 6×5 on your third roll (recall if you roll “doubles”, you get to roll again, up to 3 total rolls, but if you roll 3 doubles in a row you must go to “Jail”), you will have made it to Square 35 without the benefit of cards which "move you".

0530:  Quick disclaimer given en route.


  • 1/2 mile run to the parking lot by the pool house
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Elbow Plank x 1 minute while the next question was given.

The Monopoly Trivia Thing:

Next question for the PAX:  What are the 2 other Properties within the same color group as North Carolina Ave?

Editor's Note #1:  Folks, YHC thought this was an easy, slam-dunk question.  YHC clearly overestimated the level of Monopoly knowledge in this group!

Correct Answer:  Pacific Ave, Pennsylvania Ave

Answer given by PAX:  Not the correct one!  There was first deliberation over which color group we were talking about.  I think Mona Lisa suggested "Tennessee Ave" at one point.  Oh dear.

Penalty:  10 Burpees (or substitute squats if one had elbow issues)

Editor's Note #2:  YHC had 20 Burpees in mind originally for a penalty.  But YHC was concerned that that would lead to way too many Burpees given the first question! 


  • Running, to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill". 
  • LBCs x 25 IC

Another question for the PAX:  If you owned the Red Color Group (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky), how much would it cost to build 4 houses on all of them from scratch?

Answer given by PAX:  $120 x 4 x 3 = $1,440.  Solid guess.  But wrong.

Correct answer:  $150 x 4 x 3 = $1,800.

Penalty:  10 Burpees / Squats OYO

  • Run up Mortimer Hill

Overheard from The Force:  Isn't this where we do hill repeats sometimes at this workout?  Yes it is, Sir!  Yes it is.

At the top of the hill, there is still another "mini hill".  Decided we should do:

  • The Lieutenant Dan:  1 lunge each side, 10 squats, 2 lunges each side, 9 squats, etc., all the way to 10 lunges and 1 squat.  This was a crowd pleaser!  Stolen from Swing State…you can thank him.

At this point Jaws explained a route back to the AO which would've saved us ~3 minutes.  DENIED, we went the long way and end up at the intersection of Beatties Ford and the road which leads into Latta, but we were on the school side.  Found some rocks and held them overhead for another trivia Question:  How much does it cost to purchase Board Walk? 

Editor's Note #3:  Go back and read the prior backblast.  This question was re-used from then!  Also, YHC thought this was a fairly easy question.

Correct Answer:  $400

Answer given:  $450

We did:

  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Penalty Burpees x 10 OYO

We ran back to the AO, taking the long way around the parking lot to the chagrin of some.

Final answer needed on the original question:  On one’s first full turn in the game of Monopoly, how many and which Squares can one NOT end on, assuming the rules of the game are followed? 

Answer given:  6, I think, was their answer.  Or maybe it was 7.  Jaws calculated that you cannot spin 36, 37, 38, or 39.  And Square 30 was already given ("Go to Jail").  And I think they correctly calculated that you cannot end on "Square 1", but may have also included "Square 2".

Correct Answer:  There are only 2 Squares you cannot end your first full turn on:  30 ("Go to Jail") and 1 ("Mediterranean Ave").  YHC explained the scenario whereby you can spin doubles twice in a way that gets you to Square 22 which is a Chance Card.  That card can "send you to the nearest Utility" which is on Square 28.  From there, you can get to 36, 37, 38, and 39 on your third and final roll.  Or, that card can "send you to Boardwalk" with one roll remaining.  From there you can get to "Square 2" by rolling a 3, but you still cannot get to "Square 1" because that would be "Snake Eyes", your third doubles roll in a row, and you'd be in Jail.  Additionally, you can get a card that says "Advance to Go" and end there on Square 0 / 40 in many scenarios.  All other Squares can be accounted for by various simple roll combinations.

Penalty for incorrect answer:  20 Burpees (mental audible from 30, like last time.  You're welcome!)

Total Burpees:  50

Burpees if YHC hadn't audibled early and often:  90!  Which is too many for a Monday?  *shrug*

Recover, recover.  We covered 2.6 miles according to my Garmin.


  1. Reminder, Operation Sweet Tooth will be collecting Back-to-School items.  If you are attending Dad's Camp, you can bring the supplies there.  If not, each MQ can collect from the PAX and coordinate pickup with Olive as needed.
  2. Oh boy, we missed you Tantrum.  Safe travels for work buddy.
  3. On July 2, Titan converged with "Bonesaw".  That didn't stop Mona Lisa from posting there "sad clown" style and writing a backblast about it.  And it turns out, Blinky was there too and they just missed each other.  The lesson?  This is all just another excuse to bust Jaws for forgetting the #PB on his Preblast before converging that day.  *smiley*
  4. Although…Blinky is not on Twitter yet so it wouldn't have mattered.  Not sure what to do about that…but as 1st F Q YHC is most deeply concerned when things like that happen.  Most deeply I say!
  5. Blinky and Mona Lisa tried to get the Q to change to WWII trivia at one point…noted, but denied.
  6. The Force hasn't played Monopoly in years and stated early he wouldn't be any help with the trivia.  Yes…that was evident pal.  YHC urges you to get in a few games with the 2.0 before he goes off to Florida State.  Also, great work today.
  7. Thank you Jaws for the opportunity to lead today, and for the great 2nd F.  You probably know YHC well enough to understand that even if the PAX knew all the correct answers today, we'd still try to deliver a good beat down at my favorite AO.  Aye buddy.

Have a great week everyone.


