The perfect day to FS

Event Date

Oct 23, 2017

I believe there were 2 for the standard. Also with us but not on the site: Hurricane

Today would have been the perfect day to fartsack, but 10 dedicated men woke up and decided today was a day to get a little bit better- to seek out the rain and play in it, to sacrifice that nice pair of sneaks for the chance to splash in some puddles, to keep the patch of land under them a little drier than the patches around it. 

Some inspiration for your Monday morning: as you read the verses below, keep in mind that Paul was writing this from a Roman prison, full of joy in the midst of his suffering, knowing that his suffering had meaning and purpose, and that inspired by his suffering & imprisonment, the Good News that Jesus came to save US was being shared with great boldness in the land. 

Philippians 1:27-28 "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God."

Let's do this


Warm up lap around parking lot with butt kickers, high knees, and karoake

SSHs 20x IC

IST 15x IC

Toy Soldiers 15x IC

Down to the middle, then left and right

Windmill 15x

Mosey to  pullups bars on playground



The Circle Squat

Everyone circle up around the pullup bars and begin squatting. One at a time go to pullup bars and do as many pullups as possible, until you need a spot for your last rep. When finished, continue squatting until everyone has finished pullups. This tribal exercise turned out to be a bit primitive, but effective. All said we did one more pullup than each of us cared to do, along with copious amounts of squats. Ramrod claims to have counted over 1,000 squats, but we're not sure if he was referring to the group or just himself. 


Mosey to cinder blocks and partner up

Cinder block sets

One block for each pair of partners. Zamp / bring cinder blocks to the small covered walkway near school

Set 1 – 200 bicep curls w/ block. Partner 1 does bicep curls while Partner 2 one legged hops on right leg to fence across parking lot. Then hops back on left leg. Flapjack and repeato until 200 curls are finished.

Set 2 – 200 chest press w/ block. Partner 1 does chest press while Partner 2 runs lap around "track." Flapjack and repeato until 200 chest press are finished.

Set 3 – 200 squats w/ block. Partner 1 squats while Partner 2 broad jumps across parking lot to fence across parking lot, splishing and splashing along the way. Then run back. Funkytown said something about this bringing back fond memories of watching Peppa Pig. Flapjack and repeato until 200 squats are finished.

Zamp / bring cinder blocks back to their home


Mosey around to planters at front of school


25 box jumps OYO

Bulgarian split squats 15x IC each leg

Decline merkins 15x  IC



Jane Fonda 13x IC each leg

We did NOT get a chance to do the Superman this morning!! Poor form YHC, poor form. What is it called when one refers to one's own third person in the third person?



– Nordberg, thanks for the chance to Q at Vanquisher. A man with MQ duties while having 3 carseats in the back of his car is worth noting. A tip of the cap to you sir

– A svelte, hooded figure emerged from the shadows just prior to GO time. Had it not been for his arrival in the Vermillion clown car, I might not have recognized the lean, mean fighting machine known as Glitch. The dedication is paying off man, great to see you out again this morning, sorry we got that sweatshirt soggy

– I think Kozar might have done 30 pullups. Ka-pow! Tclaps sir