The Perfect F3 Morning

8 of Lake Norman's finest arrived at LFC ready to kickoff Samson 2022. Things are warming up out there. The worst maybe behind us…

Mosey around the lower island. Sprint the backside and then over to the b-ball court.
SSH / IST / Wind Mills / Alternating Lunge / Peter Parker / Toy Solidier

The Thang: 
Mosey over to the mural wall. Wall sits / Seal Claps / Touch them Heels / Air Press / Balls to the Wall / Rock Balboas REPEATO x2

Mosey around the island back over to the covered patio.
Dips / Irkins / Step Ups REPEATO x2

Mosey to the Hill
Sevens – 3 Sets (Merkins/Squats) (Dry Docks / Jump Squats) (Peter Parker / LBCs)

Mosey to the b-ball court.

Flutter Kicks / Box Cutters / Pretzel Crunch / Glute Bridge / Shoulder Touch Merkins

Recover Recover

Thanks for letting me Q today Hoff. Enjoyed leading this solid group of HIMs.
See you next time in the gloom…

"This is the perfect F3 morning."
– Elmers