The Perfect Post

Event Date

Oct 31, 2024


“Where were you last night?!”

Slow roll the warmup. Some peters were Parker’d. Some wind was milled, slowly I might add. We assumed the south Asian deuce position 10 consecutive times. Some A-skips to wake the legs up. Some mosey, some mumblechatter. Ventured into the dark wilderness to scare off the ghosts and ghouls. was quite a nice mix up from the typical Java route while staying within the AO actually. We raced wheelbarrows and even had time for an expedited mobility moment. We finished right on time with the perfect distance on record. And 5 burpees is the perfect way to punctuate such a power inducing workout. Man this was a good one. Prayers for Gratitude. Take a moment to think of something you take for granted. Say it aloud, give it the praise it’s deserves. “Spouse”, “family”, “mobility”, and “everything” could be heard from the COT this morning in the gloom. I’ll toss a couple more out now: God, and fellowship. It can be easy at times to take our creator for granted. It’s a blessing to be here today. I’m thankful for the opportunity to workout with you guys this morning and all others. Amen. 

Seeyas tomorrow at the general. 
