Pax not in the system- DryLove I think? FNG from Davidson, DJ Hop Sway, Rodeos 2.0 and 2.1, Sparky the Dog and 66's Dog Kepo 


46 Pax and 2 Dogs set out in the fidged 27 degree morning to brave the 6th annual Polar Bear. Pax started to show at Latta Plantation Nature Perserve for the beatdown to never be forgotten.  Many not knowing what to expect but willing to see if they had it in them to finish.

The Thang:

Warm O Rama


Imperial Storm Trooper 15 IC

Windmill 15 IC 

Cotton Picker 15 IC

Mountain Climber 10 IC

Merkin 10 IC

Burpees 5 OYO

and a few others


Now we are warm we can break out into 3 groups for 10 min mini beatdowns. Pax Rotates Qs stay put. 

Group 1 Frogger Q

split up on each side of the parking lot

Side A doing shoulder tap in Plank position

Side B 5 Burpees then Lunge walk to opposite Side

Side A 25 LBC's Bear crawl to opposite side

SIde B Freddy Mercury

Side A 20 Wide Merkins Quadrophhelia to opposite side

Side B Low Flutters

Mobility Minute


Group 2 Carpetbagger in the Pavillion with Picinic Table

Decline Merkins

Step Ups

Incline Merkins


Pillow Talk 

lap around Parking Lot Repeto


Group 3 Titan Q Consession Area

8 Count Body Builder Ladder Starting at 8 going down

Run to lake

WWII 1 going up

The Main Event

Get into groups of 6ish, grab a 25lb team weight, read all the instructions or not and hit the trails. The goal is to find as many locations provided on the map which have point valves. Once at the location there are exercises to complete and take a team pic w/weight and post to Twitter #f3polarbear2021. Team with the most points wins! You have 1 hr and 45 min to get as many points as possible and meet at the lake for a plunge!

The Moleskin

Much thanks to 9Lives for the trail map and pics, The Q's Carpetbagger, Titan, and Frogger. The Time Keeper/Bagel Grabber Rooter and BobRoss for the Polar Bear Tshirt Design. This is always a fun event to do in the winter to get out and do something different. The weather never seems to disssapoint. It is great to see pax from all over the LKN area having some fun.  Hats off to Chief and Stalker showing the rest of the pack how to do a proper Polar Plunge. Most got somewhat wet but not like these guys! As we were all in different directions please share all your adventures that took place in the trials.


The 2021 Polar Bear Champs

Contra, Loveshack, Crack, Chief, Godell, Rent a Cop, 




