The Pole

Event Date

Nov 10, 2016


Nov 10, 2016


9 posted to perfect weather in SVU to a make-it-up-as-you-go workout.  Q has a new toy for SVU, but doesn’t know how to get it to the park? Why don’t we just carry it?  Great idea Clark!!

Warm up:

Mulligan kicks off with pre-warm-ups:

30 SSH

10 Merkins

10 Mountain Climbers

5:30 strikes the dial and workout begins:

20 SSH

50 Merkins-around-the-clock

10 Copperhead Squats

10 Burpees

The Thang: (AKA: “How to get to Light Bulb’s house and make it as difficult as possible?)

Sprint up Big Hill (or, Skipper’s 2nd F pace)

10 Burpees

Sprint to 1st sac on Rustling Woods

5 Monkey Humpers

5 cycle Quadrafillia in sac

10 Monkey Humpers

Sprint to next sac (Atlantis’ house, should we knock?)

10 Allen Iverson’s (Skipper leads)

Sprint to top of Rustling Woods

10 more Burpees

Mossey down Windward Court – and line up by height

Notice a large steel pole in Light Bulb’s driveway – Why don’t we Indian Run back while we carry it?  Great idea!!

2 group Indian run back to AO with Pole carry (jokes begin, and degrade for rest of workout)

20 WWI sit-ups passing the pole

Obstacle training – Muscle up the pole

The Centipede – Over head pole hold, with Bear Crawl weave? (show to know)

Grp 1 takes pole to the back, Grp 2 does Burpees

4 MoM:


    2 count slow flutter kicks

    Dr. W’s

    American Hammer


Mole Skin:

  • 9 Strong today.  Good fun with new toys

  • Mulligan’s new SVU rule: “If you’re on time, you’re late”  Warm-ups at 5:25.   

  • Q calls Sprint, Skipper/Dandelion call it Fun Run pace

  • Metro proves it’s never too late to post.  Great lesson and example for the Q.  How many times have I fartsacked due to being late? Not an excuse any more.

  • SVU now has a large steel pole.  Weight unknown, but it’s light enough to work with, but heavy enough to know it’s there.  (fyi: it’s actually a post, but jokes are better if when referred to as a pole)

  • Pole is hollow, so any wielders want to put end caps, we can fill with sand for true misery.

  • Lots of mumble chatter today, but most is below the rating for posting to the internet.   

  • Centipede/Bear Crawl was suppose travel the parking lot, but after two cycles, Q’s shoulders were shot.

  • Thanks for the opportunity.  Good fun and memories made at SVU today.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb