The Praying Mantis keeps coming to workouts, after going through some stuff…

Event Date

Feb 04, 2023


It was a balmy 24 degrees as YHC stepped from a warm car to greet Canuck. Airstream, and Waffle arrived next with JB screaming in on 2 wheels. Apparently that is standard practice on a Saturday at Bedrock (S2K). We were ready to depart when a white pickup was scene in the distance. Could it be? Sure enough it was, Soprano gracing us with his presence this morning. And, we were off. We circled up right there, YHC said the disclaimer, and we warmed up.

Warm-up all IC:

Slow Windmill 15

Dwight Shrutes, side Shrutes, back Shrutes 25 each

IST 15

The Bedrock Thang:

Mosey to the track for some Karioke R & L

To the Wall for the 1-10-1 Incline Dip combo.

1 incline Merican, flip over 1 dip; 2/2, 3/3, up to 10/10 & back to 1.

Mosey to track for a 1/2 lap to the stairs.

YHC shared he read an article which stated walking stairs burns the equivalent of running a 12 minute mile; while running stairs burns the equivalent of a 6:30 mile. Naturally we ran the stairs up and down x 4.

Back to the track to the wall.

Step up to squat 1-10-1; stepping up on each side for every squat rep.

YHC audibled at 10 as that was 110 Squats.

Mosey to the bottom of K2 and quadraphelia up to the top. This is supposed to be good for your knees. Mosey back to the bottom and quadraphelia back up the other side.

Near the top at the grassy hill bear crawl up to the top, and crab walk back down x 2; then crawl bear up and mosey down x 2.

Mosey to the playground:

Each pax grab a swing for TRX style work with a swing:

Skull Crushers x 10 IC x 2.

Pike ups x 10 IC x 2.

Australian Pull-ups x 10 IC x 2.

Mosey to the pavilion for stretch Mary.

Held a plank for a minute, while contemplating the 9 hour world record plank – simply insane to think about.

Various spinal twists, with some Piriformis stretching (SWIDT Airstream).


Recover, Recover


Airstream is a beast and a damn good PT as far as I know. He provided great education during Mary. Thanks brother.

Jersey Boy again shared more fascinating information on the life and times of the Praying Mantis. Never a dull moment with JB at a workout.

Soprano was a beast as usual and even with one bad shoulder is better than most. Strong work brother. 

Canuck lead the way up the two climbing sequences, and was also the first to arrive today. 

Waffle House knocked through the workout with ease. He was also the War baby today. Hope the leg is ok and it was nothing more than a slight tweak.

We have a number of events coming up – Ultra-week Qing every day just because, Polar Bear, Hope House Benefit/Gala with OST (see Olive if interested in volunteering) 

We have a lot of Pax going through life’s challenges be sure to reach out, hearing from a brother is a difference maker. 

Great work today Men. Great Cafeteria as well. Until next time when I SYITG