The prodigal return

Tclaps to the 12 pax who saw the backblast and posted anyway.  The Force put it out there that it could be a sign of bad things to come for the Q’s performance and indeed he was right.  Herein lies what The Force tweeted in to existence (at least as I misremember it).


  • Disclaiming happened
  • standard fair with SSH x 15ic, IST x10 ic, Windmill x 10 ic

The thang:

  • Curls x 10 ic
  • Overhead press x 10 ic
  • Skullcrusher x 10 ic
  • Squat x 10 ic
  • Put it all together in the form of 8 count burners x 10 ic

Partner up and up the intensity

  • P1 peoples chair with curls; P2 bear crawl across parking deck and mosey back.  Flapjack
  • P1 peoples chair with overhead press; P2 bear crawl across parking deck and mosey back.  Flapjack
  • P1 peoples chair with skull crusher; P2 bear crawl across parking deck and mosey back.  Flapjack
  • P1 peoples chair with burners; P2 bear crawl across parking deck and mosey back.  Flapjacl


  • Lawn mowers each arm x 10 ic
  • Chest press x 10 ic
  • Low flutter x 10 ic
  • Jog up a level on parking deck and back down stairwell

*** here is where memory gets foggy because YHC was out of ideas.  My original plan was to repeato all of this, but the high quality mumblechatter made me stray. Thankfully the pax stepped in.

  • we did things like bent over rows, some clean and jerk type of thing, Colt 45s, low flutter touching knees, low flutter with chest press, kettle bell swings, reverse lunges, American hammer, and of course mobility with Toxic

Get back on track and finish by putting it all together again

  • Curls x 10 ic
  • Overhead press x 10 ic
  • Skullcrusher x 10 ic
  • Squat x 10 ic
  • Put it all together in the form of 8 count burners x 10 ic

Mary involved J-Lo and Plank

COT happened

Lead pipe moleskin:

  • Where do I begin?  You really should have been there.  The mumblechatter was off the charts epic.  Honestly the likes of which YHC hasn’t experienced in a few years.  Good stuff.  Threw me off my game, but totally worth it.  And tclaps to the pax for picking me up and making sure we got a good workout in.
  • Great close out message from Talking Heads.  Don’t take your first responder’s health (mental and physical) for granted.  Help them out in prayer and with a hand.
  • Tclaps to Black Eye Pea, Amen and TBone for meeting #theStandard
  • I’m 99% sure Out Could is actually an auctioneer, or perhaps that guy from the old Micro Machines commercials.  **If you are a Hate you might want to ask a Respect about that commercial…..or google it.
  • Toxic had his removed colon petrified in to a lead pipe and uses that instead of KB.  Strong stuff!
  • Even if I could remember all of the fodder that led to #TWSS comments, I couldn’t dare put them on the internetwebs.
  • The Force lost 4 pounds between 0617 and 0619.  Serious weight loss skillz
  • What I learned today:  #Qfail today, but #PaxWin.  YHC had a plan.  YHC did not have the fortitude to rise above the mumblechatter.  It was so good, I had to stop and admire.  But that left the pax without the beat down they deserved.  YHC knew I couldn’t fake it.  But the pax immediately stepped in and called exercises.  No asking.  They saw a need and filled it.  So be you.  Be the pax that has a good time, and yet walks the mile with shields locked with other pax/Q.  Just be you.  YOU. ARE. ENOUGH. AND. YOU. ARE. MORE. THAN. A. CONQUEROR.  And that is why today was one of the best workouts I attended in 10+ years.