It was a Monday like any other Monday. 16 of RaceCity’s warriors fought the urge to fart sack and made the decision to start their week off with a down pain ment for the week. Little did they know they would come face to face with The Prostitute with not a Hummer in sight. She would deliver the pain. As which has become our Monday custom, we headed out with 14 and waited for Chief and Motorboat to find our warm up COT. Here is how it all went down:Mosey to area behind cemetery for warmup:SSH X20 (IC)IST X15 (IC)WM X10 (IC)MC X10 (IC)Mosey to the four corners aka the Monster Mile for the thang :Start at first corner with 10 burpees, run to next corner (left around the block, we are RaceCity) complete 15 merkins and then back to corner one for 10 more burpees. Plank till everyone gets back.Next round is same thing at first two corners and added third corner with 20 squats and completing exercises at each corner on the way back. I think everyone got the idea at this point.Next round we added 25 dry docks at fourth cornerLast round we added 40 flutter kicks which was corner 5 or corner 1, however you wanted to see it.Mosey back to church for Mary:LBC X 20 (IC)Mason twist X 15 (IC)Low flutter X 20 (IC)Low Dolly X 20 (IC)Recover, RecoverMoleskin:-Where to begin? We had done this workout once before. As we finished many wanted to give this girl a name. I warned of having to repeat the workout if named and the mumblechatter died down. Before it did however, Cupcake suggested we call it the prostitute since we spent so much time on the street corners. As is our custom, after a second post, this old girl is now known as The Prostitute. And this will not be her last trick.-Another first happened for your YHC today and I must say it made me a bit giddy. On the last round a member of the pax was seen down the road in a strange looking forward leaning rest. Although there was no actual confirmation (or denial when mentioned in COT) that forward leaning rest was no plank but a Merlot. That is the first time this has happened when I had the Q and a strange sense of pride and fulfillment came over me. Is that wrong? If so, sorrynotsorry.-Another more subtle strange maneuver that I witnessed and can confirm was pulled off by Rent-a-cop. When we reached Mary COT he found himself next to Pierogi who quickly allowed his scent to permeate the cool crisp air. RAC quickly got up and moved to a new location. Where did he go, next to Manhands. Did he not read my BB from last Monday? Needless to say he had to change places again half way through Mary. Lesson learned.-For those who were counting, we completed 80 burpees, 105 Merkins, 100 Squats, 75 Dry Docks and 40 Flutter Kicks while covering over 2 miles of ground.-Shout out to Ruckers Manhands, BigMean, Pierogi, and Cupcake who continue their efforts of preparing for the HTL while most of us are still at home working on our first or for some, second deposit of the day.-Prayers sent out for Tick-Tock’s Aunt that she get well soon.-Always a humbling experience to lead you fine men and an honor to be there with you.AYE!