24 of NoCo's finest rolled up to GCC on Tuesday morning for their weekly beating at the Blender. YHC kept it simple…but that doesn't mean easy. Pyramid stack was in full effect.
- SSH 25X IC (what???)
The Thang
Each exercise is performed for 1 minute OYO. At the end of each pyramid the PAX run a full loop (~200 yards) around two parking lot islands and back to the KB's.
Pyramid 1
- KB swings
- Goblet Squat Press
- KB Swings
- Run loop
Pyramid 2
- KB swings
- Goblet Squat Press
- Muricans
- Goblet Squat Press
- KB Swings
- Run loop
Pyramid 3
- KB swings
- Goblet Squat Press
- Muricans
- Jump Squats
- Muricans
- Goblet Squat Press
- KB Swings
- Run loop
Pyramid 4
- KB swings
- Goblet Squat Press
- Muricans
- Jump Squats
- Single arm clean & snatch
- Jump Squats
- Muricans
- Goblet Squat Press
- KB Swings
- Run loop
Pyramid 5
- KB swings
- Goblet Squat Press
- KB Swings
- Great work by all, there were a lot of reps and virtually no down time, great push!
- This was certainly a mumble chatter minimizer
- I think Bagboy called out that he would rather be doing the Murph, appreciate the compliment
- Ditka was very concerned about doing more KB swings at Dragon Slayer Thursday, I estimate that we did between 250 – 300 KB swings
- Lifting up all of our F3 brothers who have experience tragic loss recently, we stand with you