The Q left Die Hard short about 49 miles at Samson

Event Date

Jan 16, 2025


It was 19 degrees at best in the gloom at Samson, but these 5 pax posted anyway.  So let me first say thank-you to them, as YHC is fairly certain they would have considered the warmth of the FS but chose instead to come more to support me than for the workout.  I appreciate you.

The weinke was prepared the day prior, but as YHC felt the cold air, awaited the ice on the windshield to melt and realize it was sub-20, it became apparent that the weinke full of ways to use both blocks and rocks would be a very bad idea for the pax’s digits, and let’s face it – YHC is already short one.

So the weinke never got whipped out, and numerous audibles were called.  Less than an organized workout perhaps, but YHC bets the pax’s quads and calves will remind them of the gloom later.  And we kept our hands somewhat warm.

With a little extra effort, we did finally complete a full mile, and peppered throughout were leg exercises for the “Vailers” who leave just one week from today.

Die Hard popped out of UM’s car like he was being dropped off in the carpool line and didn’t want his friends to see his mom in the driver’s seat with her robe and curlers.  But he came right over to give YHC a hug and all joking was briefly set aside.  He offered up his support then stated he needed miles and would be back.  YHC selfishly encouraged him to stay with us and that we’d get him some miles.  Welp…  we got him mile instead of miles.  He needed 50 more miles before the end of the month.  Now “only” 49…  Sorry about that, brother – but thank you for staying with us.

Amen arrived later than even Snake Eyes normally would, but it was great to have him join us as well.

Calypso showed up in shorts and stood by his decision but there was no hiding it – he was COLD.  And he kept asking where T-Bone was…

T-Claps again to Turnpike, who volunteered on Tues at Fallout to Q for me at Samson today as YHC expected to be DR by now.  But when I decided to stay 1 more night in town, YHC rudely asked Turnpike if I could have the Q back (my first Q of 2025).  Turnpike is a selfless, caring brother and not only offered it back, but offered to share his weinke if I needed it, and assured me he’d see me in the gloom either way.

Thanks again to Ultraman for dropping DH off, but also thanks for staying!  Another amazing brother and I will always know that we took our journeys of losing our mothers together.


Mom is still with us but her time is running short.  She asked me to thank the pax of F3Nation for the prayers.  I still tell stories of her showing up at Coffeteria and taking pics with Frogger and the pax outside of NY Bagel (wonder if she ate there – what was the sanitation score back in May of 2023?).

I know prayers continue at each AO even when I’m DR.  Thank you all for the prayers, the messages, the calls, the hugs and the beat-downs.
