The Rare #Gaga Backblast

Event Date

Jun 02, 2020


6 Pax were inspiried by YHC's uncreative preblast and showed for 6ish miles on a glorious morning to be outside and run.


0525 YHC, on the earlier arrival side for me, rolls into the parking lot to find an impressive group of Anchovy, DonHo, Honey Bee, Beetle and Turncoat waiting to go.  Route was explaned, with options for longer, and Beetlejuice immediately voiced his displeasure with statring a 6mile run at 0530.  Alas, off we took for 6ish miles at 2nd F pace.



  • Absolutely perfect morning to be outside and run and an even better group of men.  The best way to start a Tuesday
  • Honey Bee wakes up at 4:15 everyday.  No one understands why
  • Nice to see Beetle before 8AM.  even more impressinve that he's strating to train for a marathon that has 100% of being canceled
  • The GBs are like the walking wounded lately.  Heal up brothers.
  • YHC just passed the 2 year F3 mark and am always honored and amazed by this group and the things that can be accomplished. 

