The Red Baron is a sadist. . .

Event Date

Feb 15, 2024


The Q arrived on time. That’s all that counts. 

A couple of warmy warms and then we launched The Red Baron, which is 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 reps (total 150) of one exercise with a couple hundred yards of running in  between each set. This day we had time for 150 full-nipple-alignment merkins and 150 bear squats, which is WAY too many bear squats, especially if you do them right (all the way back, all the way forward).

Then, as promised in the preblast, I redeemed myself by calling for five sets of increasingly extended stretching at each corner (the time was extended, I mean, although also the body parts). That was the only part anybody enjoyed. Such is the fate of a Q who cares about your fitness AND your flexibility. 

Hurley dog joined us (complaining the whole time about the insufficient running) and there was 175% participation in coffeeteria as the swimmers joined us for some world-class jaberrin’. The only thing marring the enjoyment of the festivities was the fact that Boar Hog needed to let other people speak. He’s a work in progress. 

Thanks for your participation, gents! You did (mostly) good work out there and kept the grumblechatter to a minimum, despite the suck-worthy nature of the exercises. Enjoy your sore legs and chest tomorrow! (My legs got an early start because I feel those bear squats every time I walk down my stairs.)