The Return of Poptart

Event Date

Jul 14, 2020


8 of the fastest men in Isotope crushed 2×2 mi in lower than normal dewpoints at GAGA because Poptart is BACK! This is their story:



1.5 mi warm-up around the Get Ya Some GAGA loop to the greenway

2×2 mi w/ 0.5 mi active recovery

1-1.5 mi cool down

Recover recover



  • Welcome back to GAGA Poptart…time to get fast again!
  • TC and Ducky played tag with Woodstock…it was cute
  • BC needs to stop golfing and start wearing his tummy band
  • We should all stretch like Frodo…dude is quick
  • Anchovy stayed back with the remedial runner…allegedly
  • Thanks to Hoodie for the opportunity to Q at GAGA! Sounds like he needed the sleep. WHOA…wait was that Auto! Lots of likes on the GAGA PB that didn't show (Lookin' at you Ramrod, Swing State, Tesla, Cherry Bomb, Kumquat) and a couple GBs prefered the solo effort today or maybe it was the sleep. Either way thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…