The Return of the Blackberry

Event Date

Oct 16, 2017

A gaggle of 8 got after it at Vanquisher this morning.  All were the better for it.  Here’s what was accomplished:


Slow mosey around parking lot, alternating between regular, backward, and Karaoke running.

SSH x 25 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 15 IC


Line up in single file at beginning of concrete balls.  Hurdle over ball and perform 1 burpee, and continue until reach the end.  Then Bear Crawl back to start point.  Repeato x 3.

Low Flutter x 20 IC led by Rocket.

Move to planter boxes and partner up.

As 1 partner runs lap around parking lot and flapjacks, each team needed to complete a total of 100 box jumps.  Plank while waiting for the six to complete.

Move to wall for People’s Chair.  While in PC, Overhead Claps x 20 IC

Repeato partner flapjacks, now each team needed to complete 200 Merkins total.

Back to wall for PC.  Overhead Claps x 20 IC

Group mosey around parking lot, circle up near cars.


Led by Pax in circle rotation:

WWII Situp with a Twist x 15 IC

Box Cutter x 15 IC

W x 10 IC

Touch dem Heels x 10 IC

Crunchy Frog x 10 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Glute Bridge x 10 IC

Sally Merkins x 10 IC


  • Thank you all for rising out of your warm, dry beds and heading out to get after it with YHC this morning.  We just barely beat the rain.  I don’t know who was praying on our behalf, but you have my gratitude.
  • It’s been over a year and a half since the last time I was at Vanquisher.  I saw some new faces (to me anyways) and ole’ regulars.  Some present today remember fondly the last time I was here, when I unceremoniously merlot’d in one of the planter boxes.  Ah memories. 
  • I am very pleased on how well this AO has done since I handed the MQ reigns off so long ago.  I was excited to start it up, and to see it doing so well touches my heart. 
  • Wes (FNG) did a great job out there this morning, with a little heaving at the end.  It happens to all of us, and it’s a rite of passage.  Sort of like smashing the champagne bottle on the completed battleship.  Welcome to the club buddy!  Keep coming back out so you can return the favor back on us sometime!
  • Toxic, the next time you need to leave People's Chair in order to let one rip, the Pax would appreciate if you went further out than 3 feet.  That's just proper etiquette.  Thank you.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead as always.  I’m going to make it a point to not let it go so long before returning to this great AO.  Have a great week everyone.
