The Revolt Half Life Convergence for Speed Work

Additional Pax Present: Puddin'

In honor of the season & the coming together aspect of Thanksgiving, The Revolt and Half Life running workouts came together this morning on the Davidson Green for a Speed Work workout Q'ed by Duvall (Davidson resident & Half Life Master Q).  

We met on the Green, ran a 1.2 warm-up route through the Davidson College campus and ended up on the Davidson College track.  The first order of business was a 1 mile run (4 laps around the track) as fast as possible to set your 1 mile baseline time.  After that blistering mile, we did a cycle of a 400 (1 lap) easy pace and a 400 fast pace, then just kept repeating this until it was time to head back.  Most Pax completed 4 or 5 fast laps for 8 or 10 total laps. Once done at the track, we moseyed a different route through the Davidson College campus to get back to the Davidson Green.

COT provided an opportunty to go around the circle and have each Pax state one thing they are thankful for – the only condition was that it had to be something different than the guy before you.  

Truly appriciate the idea Duval had to bring the two Wednesday running groups together and appreciate the Half Life Pax figuring out how to scale the wall to make it into the PRoD!  Stava showed several Pax PR'd their 1 mile, so they now have a new baseline from which to work on getting their average pace faster.  It was fantastic to see LD working his way around the track six weeks after his heart attack – way to go brother!  Great effort by all this morning and always a pleasure running with such fine men!

