The Rising Sun – Davidson East

Event Date

Mar 13, 2021


Joel Meinen – Butkus
Andrew Giles – FNG
David Tweito – FNG
George Giles – FNG (Dad from out of town, Awesome)
Dave Beronich – FNG
Ben Rude – Clark Kent
Robert Brown – FNG

This backblast is a little delayed because yours truly THC (what does this stand for?) was not smart enought to realize what OTB ment, DAM IT! LOL

In Jan. I moved into Davidson East and SwingState brought me on to group txt with some of the guys he has been helping to get more involved into F3. A few weeks ago trying to figure out what work out we should go to, the idea was tossed out to do a neighborhood work out on Sat. We landed on a time of 8:15 and to meet at the parking lot by the pool. Swingstate pulling late nights with the new little/tiny baby was not sure what condition he would be in so I volunteered to Q since I have had a few Qs (long ago) under my belt. On the way home from work Friday I stopped by Lowes and grabbed as many blocks as would fit in my car 12, which turned out to be the exact number that turned out. 
In the dark of the Friday night I cut out my F3 stencil and painted them!

Being a new work out I didn't give any thought to remembering what we did b/c I didn't think there would be a backblast b/c this was not on the calander. 

So here is what I can remember. 

The guys showed up, many first timers so I did my best to break this down for them. I started with a little jog around the pool house to get them warmed up.

We did some warm us. SSH, TS, IST, a few burpees. 

Then we grabbed the new blocks:
– some curls
– some shoulder press
– some squats
– some block merkins
– more burpees

Then the blood mobile show up so we had to move on. 

I jogged them to a hill near the model home. 
– we bear crawled up to small hills and did squats at the top x 3

Then we moved to a bigger hill down the road and did the the same bear crawls, but only 2 times. 

I took them back to the parking lot for a few more exercise and some mary. 

– Moleskin (why moleskin?)

I think it was a really strong first Davidson East workout. It was great for us as neighbors to get a chance to meet new guys that we live around but have not met. 

Big Props to George Giles for stepping up and coming out to join us. Just proves that age is just a number. Looking forward to his next visit. 

Thank you for the guys for coming out, lots of FNGs – Keep coming it gets better, try the weekday workouts. 

I would be great to see as many older PAX find there way to our new workout to support it's growth. The next one is 7:15 next week. 
