The road less travelled

Event Date

Feb 13, 2017


To paraphrase Edgar Allen Poe Robert Frost….two roads diverged from your driveway this morning, and a Pax of 7 took the road less travelled, and that has made all the difference.

6 met #TheStandard.  After about 2.15 miles we came back to the launch point to pick up Jaws (who ran to the workout, so quasi-standard credit there….but not stud-standard credit like Tantrum and Dirt who ran to the Standard as well).

We set off to run another road less travelled…..and here is how it went down.


  • Mosey to front flag pole.
  • SSH x15 ic
  • Windmill x15 ic
  • Toy Soldier x15 ic
  • Mountain Climbers x15ic

The Thang:

  • Regular pace run down Beaties and left on Hambright and stop at first road on the left – .85 miles
  • Carolina Dry Dock x15 ic
  • Merkin x5 ic….stop for car….x5 ic again
  • Run to end of road with some tempo – .5 miles
  • Carolina Dry Dock x15 ic
  • LBC x15 ic (because YHC realized the CDD/Merkin combo sucked).
  • Run down the hill and up the other side into Tanners Creek; hang a right and run with tempo to the roundabout – total .75 miles (.35 of which were tempo)
  • Carolina Dry Dock x15 ic
  • LBC x15 ic
  • Run around the roundabout and back to homebase – .55 miles
  • Carolina Dry Dock x15 ic
  • LBC x15 ic


  • Homer to Marge with extras:  hold Homer, up to Marge, slow back to Homer, Low Dolly x10 ic, up to Marge, Rosalita x10 ic, back to Homer, Low Flutter x10 ic
  • Mason Twist x15 ic
  • WWII situp x15 ic
  • Peter Parker x15 ic
  • Parker Peter x15 ic



  • Got about 5 miles in total including #TheStandard.
  • How about that luck with the cars?  None on Beaties Ford, and most others came while we were in between exercises.  Except the one that saved YHC from a #Qfail during the merkins.
  • T-claps to Slugger and Catfish for making the drive to the west side and down south.  Great seeing you.  And mostly glad that you offset my gas mileage with your electric vehichle.
  • Pax stayed together today, which always makes it better.  YHC added a little tempo run in there because sometimes you have to let the big dogs (Turnpike, Tantrum….and now Catfish) stretch the legs a bit.
  • If you are reading this then you know YHC wrote a #backblast and is therefore on #TeamBlackbeard on the particular subject.
  • Roast of Dallas is March 3rd.  Not sure of all the comz outlets nowadays but I am sure you can get more details through Twitter/Slack/COT’s.
  • Praying for Slugger and the family.  Peace be with you brother.
  • Thanks Tantrum for allowing me to lead this morning.  My goal was to be a good steward of the time the pax gave me and hope that we all came out better for it.