The Road to Nowhere at Thunderdome

Event Date

Mar 12, 2018

If you miss the turn into the GCC parking lot, you have 2 choices:  Make a U turn and find the entrance, or drive a little ways further to "The Road to Nowhere". 

As YHC's back is not 100%, but not wanting to let MQ Blackberry down, we decided to explore the road a bit.  Thunderdome is typically a heavy weighted workout, but we lifted no weights today.  Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  There were 3 Standard runners:  Jedi, Red October, and Tuffy.  Per Strava it seems they covered 2.5 miles, well done.  Applaud them all for getting up so early on the Monday after "Spring Forward".  YHC desperately needed the sleep.

0530:  We bid farewell to Red October.  Name left on backblast out of respect and because YHC understands he was the primary EHer for Nacho Libre. 


  • Mosey up to the "road to nowhere", including high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia
  • Circle up.  Disclaimer given.
  • SSH x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Warm up over.

The "Sorry my back is still out so Q needs to avoid heavy weights" Thing:

  • Bear crawl a ways  (Jedi:  "It just got dark in a hurry")
  • Crab walk a ways
  • Lunge walk a bit
  • Stop for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Lunge walk a bit more
  • Wheelbarrow walk a ways

Mosey back to pull-up forest for:

  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • Jedi 10 count
  • Knee-ups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC

Mosey to the baseball field.  Only first and second bases were playable due to mud. 

  • Sideways plank walk from home plate to first
  • Lunge walk to second
  • Lunge walk back to first
  • Sideways plank walk back home

"Scrawny guy intermission" as follows:

  • 1 mile run to the end of the "Road to nowhere" and back

Back to pull-up forest for:

  • Commando style Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • Jedi 10 count
  • Knee-ups x 10 OYO
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC

Mosey to the cars for Mary:

  • Elbow Plank x 1 min
  • Man maker elbow plank x 5 IC

Recover, recover.  We covered 2.2 miles according to Strava, apologies if that is more than the usual amount of running at this great AO.


  1. Prayers up for MQ Blackberry.  His M had a death in her family and they are out of town attending services.
  2. Great work today Nacho Libre!  I can see you've recently signed up for this website, well done.  Apologies if the crab walks weren't ideal for shoulder issues.  You powered through most of the other exercises despite that, strong.
  3. Was strange to see Jedi and Red October drive separately, until it was clear RO had to leave early for work.  Great job on the neighborhood EHing Red October!
  4. Jedi, thanks for checking in on YHC's back and for the encouragement today.  Strong work as always, and that bi-lingual counting is on point. 
  5. Tuffy, not the usual Thunderdome workout but hopefully you broke a sweat.  Looking forward to getting back out there with you soon for a ruck bud.
  6. Thanks again for the opportunity to Q Blackberry.  Oh and if anyone reads this backblast, who can kindly step up and Q tomorrow for Blackberry at #TheBlender? 
  7. YHC is embarrassed to admit this is my first time at Thunderdome since it moved to Monday mornings over a year ago in Feb 2017.  Prior to today, YHC's last Thunderdome was Tuesday evening, Aug 9, 2016!  That's a shame, because this is a fantastic AO so I shall be back soon.
  8. Announcements:  Q School at Excelsior / The Estate:  March 17th.  F3 Dads Workout at The Estate:  April 7th.  Quarter Ruck VI and Christina Latini Memorial 8k:  April 20th and April 21st.  Yes, there is a sweet sweet patch for those brave enough to tackle both!  For all other announcements please see the "Preblasts" page on this website.

Thanks for putting up with the change of pace today. 

– Turnpike