The Rock Stack at NightRanger

Mr Hand needs to get registered – hell – he showed up with a bad wheel and compression on his ankle to get it done!

YHC had planned for a party of 5 to 6 and instead got the cast of a Fantasy Football Draft night to show. So…it was improvisation time.  I had the AO set up for a brutal cardio minute between rounds but there more than I planned for so the 'toys' went unused…Crablegs decided that Hernia was not a good match for one of my workouts and went for a run. 

Swanson and Hippie showed up to heckle from the 2nd floor and joined in HDHH after the workout. 

The F3 FFL showed up in force – this year is a draft filled with risk of people missing the season or changing teams and output spiking or dying altogether.  Anyway…here is the story of a tepid 90 degree with 90% humidity workout:

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH IC x20
  • Mountain Climber slow IC X20
  • IST IC X12
    • Jaws may want Carson Wentz to get through a whole season before we fit him for the HOF
  • Arm circles and arm stretches (DANGER WILL ROBINSON!) 

The Main Thang

7 Cones were laid out on the 'lawn' in the field behind the DPK parking deck. Each cone was an added layer in the stack.  The Pax selected a rock – not too heavy but not too light. After much confusion and some very poor communication from YHC, we mustered on the paired cones to go North South.   Tonight's workout was powered my 'Metal Essentials' playlist on Spotify.

  1. Round 1 – 8 Count Burners X10 IC
    • Well…that was easy…wasn't this supposed to be a hard workout?
  2. Round 2 – 8 Count Burners X10 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, 8 Count Burners X10 OYO
    • The basic premise was still a little lost on some Pax
  3. Round 3 – 8 Count Burners X9 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X9 OYO
    • Much unhappiness rained down as the beating started to take hold.  Oddly enough, mumbl chatter stopped as the Pax adjusted
  4. Round 4 – 8 Count Burners X8 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Russian Hammer X8 IC, Curls X15 OYO, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X8 OYO  
    • YHC offered the Pax a guilt free, no judgement zone rock exchange – just like Planet Fitness –  but there were NO takers
  5. Round 5 – 8 Count Burners X8 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Russian Hammer X8 IC, Curls X15 OYO, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X8 OYO
    • Frogger noted my moist Weinke at this point
  6. Round 6 – 8 Count Burners X7 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Russian Hammer X8 IC, Weighted Squat X10 IC, Russian Hammer X8 OYO, Curls X15 OYO, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X7 OYO
    • I believe that Jenny offered that I could go procreate asexually at this point
  7. Round 7 – 8 Count Burners X6 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Russian Hammer X8 IC, Weighted Squat X10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Weighted Squat X10 IC,  Russian Hammer X8 OYO, Curls X15 OYO, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X6 OYO
    • The mumble chatter resumed and The Pax were getting a little feisty at this point
  8. Round 8 – 8 Count Burners X10 IC, Weighted Sit Up X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Russian Hammer X8 IC, Weighted Squat X10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, 1 Minute High Plank with 15 second intervals with opposite hand/arm up,  Weighted Squat X10 OYO,  Russian Hammer X8 OYO, Curls X15 OYO, Weighted Sit Up X10 OYO, 8 Count Burners X10 OYO
  9. Just to take us to the bell…the Pax had to run one sprint down and back – see I like to run in my workouts!

Recover, recover!

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • The alternate plan worked~ish.  The intent was not to smoke shoulders and arms so much, but thats the way it worked out
  • Frogger and 98 Degrees were in deep on Fantasy Football
  • Shoutout to Papa Smurf and Fiddler for reliably counting 
    • Side note – these two guys didn't cheat an exercise from what I saw.   They finished all the reps in great form
  • Apparently Freedom and Jaws couldn't hear due to the Metal Mania (Where was Strutter?)
  • Strong work by all.   
  • Great work by the Sky Q to keep the rain and lighning away.   Plan B was going to take better communication than YHC had planned for. 
  • Swanson and Hippie reminded me of the old guys who heckle the Muppets in the Muppet Show
  • I am not sure I can do what Jenny suggest around asexual reporduction.  His unhappiness at the brutality of the workout was obvious.  
  • Mr Hand works and enjoys the variety.   I didn't get an update on his job search but I will follow up next week and pray that all is going well. 