The Running of the Mouths

JimmyO rucked, Mooch ran.  They kinda made it back in time for our 0530 start

10 men circled up for warm up things – NO SSHs

No moseying allowed.  Too risky.

Head to the freshly built east end of the LFC parking lot for a series of pavement movements.  ~30 yards per.

  • Bear Crawl
  • Crab Walk
  • Inchworms
  • Lunge walk w/ a twist
  • Rt foot hops
  • Lf foot hops
  • Bunny Hops
  • Reverse Fog Jumps
  • 100 yrds of Broad Jump Burpees

Rock work: Lots of it


More rock work

Monkey Humpers

People's chair

60 seconds of Mary


NMS: More laughter than anything today. 

Limburger & Swede could you please expound on some of the moments you two shared? The comments section is wide open!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, and thanks to the men who came out and pushed their bodies.