The Search Continues into 2017

Event Date

Jan 02, 2017

43° and steady rain.  A perfect day for some Vanquishing. 

One loop of the parking lot, and back to pick up Landline.  

SSHs, CottonPickers, ISTs, and Arm Circles

The original plan was to mosey through MacAulay, but "someone" knew of a better location to stay dry, so off we went to the covered walkway at the back of Grand Oak.

This is what I remember doing:

  • Frog Hops
  • Backward Lunges
  • Merkins
  • LowSquat Side Lunges
  • Peoples Chair
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Picnic Table Presses
  • Ballz2Wallz (w/ mtn climbers)
  • Backwards Frog Hops
  • more Merkins
  • Air Squats
  • more Picnic Table Presses
  • more Peoples Chair
  • more Dry Docks
  • lots of Flutter Kicks
  • Glute Bridges
  • one final Peoples Chair
  • Broad Jump Burpees

Mosey back to cars for COT


9 Lives knows how redwood roots grow, and he enlightened the PAX with his stories.  #TheMoreYouKnow

The Count is back from hiatus #Kotters Glad to have you back in the gloom.  

Ninja Turtle was out front of the PAX all morning.  If we were awarding virtual trophies today, NT would have taken them all. 

Landline seemed to find his wheelhouse with the Picnic Table Presses.  Strong work. 

Thanks El Chapo for the opportunity to Q today.  We did look, but couldn't find you.  If you were playing hide-and-go-seek, job well done.