The Search for Brown Jelly

Event Date

Nov 07, 2016

Standard began with YHC and Gator Bait looking for a route that included a road called Brown Gelley.  We never found it. Here's how the rest of the morning went. 
Not in the directory : Gator Bait and Bumblebee 
20 IST
15 CPs
10 Windmills
1 minute arm circles
Leapfrog balls
Burpee between each
Bearcrawl back
Repeato X 2
Low Flutter while we wait on the 6
Partner up (sdnm)
Round 1 – 100 Burpees
Partner 1 AMRAP Burpees
Partner 2 run around school .25 miles
Flapjack Repeato until complete 100
Round 2: 200 wall jumps (Ramrod loses pants – Omaha 100 S2K)
Round 3: 100 dips
Round 4: 100 Muricans
Run back, meet the 6, mosey to the lot for Mary
50 4-count low-flutters
30 second elbow plank
1 Crisp Clean Burpee
Brown Jelly Moleskin
Gator Bait – thanks for getting me lost in McAuley. Last time I follow you. 
Toxic & Travolta – you two were like a machine as a team.  Extra credit with the squats. Pays to listen. 
Ultraman & Die Hard – Silent but deadly. (Not what you think.) Strong work and never a complaint. (That I heard)
Blackberry – The gloom has missed you.  Stick witty <– SWIDT
Bumblebee – Much improved, bro. Stay with it.  You shall see great things. 
Ramrod – I have seen people lose their shirt.  I've even seen someone lose their mind.  But losing your pants on school property is a little scary.  Especially, if you got pulled over on the way home in those RP's.  Glad you and your britches were reunited. 
El Chapo – ¡gracias por la opportunidad!