The Secret is Out

FNG = Officer Kimball (not on website)

One never knows what to expect when speed work is #pb'd, but YHC was pleasantly surprised to roll into Robbins Park (on time no less!) to see a huge group waiting.  The secret is out at Gaga that Tuesday's are for going fast and the numbers show it over the past few weeks. 11 strong started, and Snoopy did Snoopy things, showing up 5 minutes late and blew by everyone making us 12.  Auto gets credit for Sad Clowing the workout in the mountains for a total of lucky 13.  We set off in search of lower dewpoints on the greenway and failed miserably.


 1 mile w/u to the top of the greenway, 4 x 1m repeats with .25 AR between, 1m cool down back to AO

Recover, Recover


  • We failed in our attempt to find lower dew points.  its just brutal outside right now no matter where you go.  Strong work by all PAX in this soup, it's not easy
  • Turncoat actually completed a workout!
  • Frodo complained about a hamstring issue, then dropped everyone on the last mile #sandbagging
  • Smokey got 10+ miles running to and from the AO.  He's the only guy I know that doesn't do anything for 6 months and still dusts everyone
  • DonHo looking strong.  Remedial running plan has him back to full strength and feeling better than ever
  • I stood next to Kumquat at COT.  The amount of sweat is frankly staggering
  • Snoopy came to monitor his star patient, Poptart.  Good to see both back out recoving from injuries
  • Good to see Cherry Bomb at a running workout. He may have been there to recruit boot camp Qs
  • Thanks to Sweet C, DonHo and Smokey for the EH 2 years ago.

