The Sharknado Belongs in Hollywood!!

"Hey Everyone, Jolly Roger has the Q at Hollywood, we should all go…"  they said.  "It will be fun…" they said.  "We've never done The Sharknado at Hollywood…" they said.  "Wait, where is Jolly, and why the F is Burner Here?"  they said.

It didn't take long for everyone to find out.  This is Hollywood by the way, and what better place to showcase a D-Movie, than Hollywood??  So the initial surprise at Jolly's absence turned into confusion at the site of YHC, and then angry rage once the PAX figured out what was coming.  But this is F3, and stupid is what we do, so here we go…

I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout, and away we went.

Mosey to the corner of Lindholm and Bridgeton (0.2 miles)

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees
  • Run around park (approx 0.18 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run around park
  • 20 merkins
  • Run around park
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run around park

Total of 60 burpees, 80 diamond merkins, 80 WWII sit-ups, 80 merkins, 80 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.

Mosey back to theatre (0.2 miles) for COT

Burnt Moleskin:

  • First off, that square is a little bigger than the dorsal fin shaped park we use at Middle Earth.  I measured it out at 0.18 miles, which seems close enough to 0.15 miles, until you run it 20 times and realize you got an extra 0.6 miles in.  Also, the run to and from combined to be 0.4 miles as opposed to 0.25 at Middle Earth.  So completing 4 cycles here got The Pax 4 miles, and that takes the bulk of the time.  We will push for more next time. (Yup, I said it.)
  • Humidity does not begin to describe the swampy mess we ran through.  200% humidity sucks, just sayin'.
  • SO. MANY. CURSE. WORDS. when the PAX found out what we were doing.  I think BS calls were replaced with "Let's lynch the Q" calls.  I feared for my life at times.
  • Soprano made the request that we not do BRR training.  Well, we don't do burpees on the BRR, so this was definitely not BRR training.  You're welcome!
  • Lots of 2.0's out there and they hung in there really well.  Awesome to see F3 being passed on to the future generations.
  • Great Job by the entire PAX who went out there and pushed through the hot, humid conditions and crushed The Sharknado!  Awesome job by all who finished, those who made it further than they have in the past, and those who did it for the first time! 
  • Sound off in the comments with how much you LOVE this workout.  Sharknados are hard to predict, so you never know when one may appear again…
  • Happy and Humbled to be a part of such a great group of men!!