After a long hiatus, The Sharknado returned to Middle Earth to beat down a PAX of 11. All came prepared, but quickly found out that nothing really prepares you for the swirling vortex of pain.
I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout, and away we went.
Mosey to the corner of Holly Springs and Holly Springs
Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)
- 15 burpees
- Run around park (approx 0.15 miles)
- 20 diamond merkins
- Run around park
- 20 WWII sit-ups
- Run around park
- 20 merkins
- Run around park
- 20 scorpion dry-docks
- Run around park
Total of 75 burpees, 100 diamond merkins, 100 WWII sit-ups, 100 merkins, 100 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.
Mosey back to clubhouse for COT
Burnt Moleskin:
- Seemed like The PAX kept trying to do less burpees as they kept asking how many they had to do. Luckily YHC remembered. You're Welcome!!
- Great group out there pulling each other along and working together to encourage everyone to push through the pain and make it further than they had before. Always inspiring to see!
- Awesome job by everyone who came out and pushed themselves and the rest of the PAX. Congratulations to those who finished and those who got farther than they have before!
- It was a long delay since the last Sharknado, and I apologize for that. Will make this a more regular (monthly) thing and will try to keep everyone more informed.
- Happy and humbled to be a part of such a great group of men!