You know how sometimes things are better the second time around?  Like watching a movie for the second time and finding things you didn't notice the first time you watched it.  Or going back to a restaurant for a second time and enjoying it more as you know what to expect and what is good.  Well today we tried The Sharknado at The Foundry for the second time.  The first time was, well, just OK.  The loop we ran was not quite long enough as we only got 3.5 miles in (sad, I know).  So YHC adjusted the loop and today was spot on 4 miles!!  So was the second time better than the first?  Let's see…

So 26 MEN decended upon The Foundry (and 9-Lives is running it on his own this afternoon) to see if the second was better than the first.

I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout (and those who forgot) and away we went.

Mosey to the last long parking island.

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees
  • Run around parking island (approx 0.16 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 merkins
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run around parking island

Total of 75 burpees, 100 diamond merkins, 100 WWII sit-ups, 100 merkins, 100 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.

Mosey back to starting point for COT

Burnt Moleskin:

  • It was NOT better the second time, it sucked, REAL bad!  I added about 0.02miles per loop, which does not seem like much, but do that 25 times and you have a half mile more of running.  Not fun.
  • You would not know that this was anything more than a cake walk though if you watched Swing State, QBert, Egyptian, DonHo, Lego, Scrappy, etc. tear through this thing.  They finished with plenty of time to spare and even got some Mary in at the end.  Amazing work!!
  • Fresh Prince informed me that he has moved into Monteith Park (where The Sharknado was originally started and run) so we may need to have a homecoming run of The Sharknado and see if that baby is sleeping through the night now.  Stay Tuned…  I would also suggest that we disable all "Contact Us" options on any and all F3 websites for that day.
  • Great to have the Fly-By from the Odyssey folks and we even managed to snag T-Bone from them to stay for the rest of The Sharknado.  He said they were running like 6 miles and he didn't want to go that far, so he stayed and only ran, well, 6 miles…  Maybe we think that through next time, but was great to have you!
  • Scrappy hooked up the tunes for us this morning, and even with the songs going on repeat it was a welcome respite from the heavy breathing, grunting, crying, etc. that would be heard otherwise.
  • Hall Monitor told me he hated me during the workout.
  • Note that the Torance neighborhood had 100% attendance at The Sharkando this morning.  Stephen's Grove, not so much… 
  • Pretty sure that Flo's dog (Roxy) ran more than anyone this morning and was definitely happier than all of us combined.
  • Freepass was not there.
  • Awesome to see everyone out there pushing themselves, and each other through that workout.  Always inspiring to see and provides that push to be better that each of us cultivates in one another.
  • Will the third time be a charm?  We'll be sure to find out!!
  • Happy and humbled to be a part of such a great group of men!!

