The SHARKNADO is BACK at The Foundry and 6 Years of F3!!

With all of the BRR training, YHC did not want to endure the pain of The SHARKNADO.  Somehow running over mountains seemed easier than the 45 minutes of torture which this workout bestows upon its victims.  Avoidance is temporary however, and on this day we finally faced The SHARKNADO.  It was not pretty.

I gave some initial instruction for those who were new to the workout (and those who forgot) and away we went.

Mosey to the last long parking island.

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees
  • Run around parking island (approx 0.16 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 merkins
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run around parking island

Total of 75 burpees, 100 diamond merkins, 100 WWII sit-ups, 100 merkins, 100 scorpion dry-docks, and 4 miles of running.

Mosey back to starting point for COT

Burnt Moleskin:

  • That sucked!!  Not sure if it was the humidity or the pure lack of strength, but it was horrible. 
  • Q-Fail by YHC by forgetting the beer.  Definitely not my finest hour.
  • Awesome job by Don Ho, QBert, Scrappy, Gypsy, our second-post FNG (nicknamed Gung Ho) and anyone else who finished this thing for just crushing it and getting through the entire SHARKNADO.  
  • Fly-by from the Odyssey runners today and they took great joy in watching all of us do burpees.
  • Appreciate all who came out to help me celebrate 6-years in F3!!  I could not have done any of this without the help, encouragement, and support of all of you!