The Sheiks Pain Train

Event Date

Feb 10, 2021


fng1 = wham-o, fng2 = Roger-roger, fng3 = slinger, fng3 = heister

Warm up (all in cadence):

  • SSH’s x 10
  • Windmill x 10
  • Stretch Down the Middle, Stretch left, Stretch right
  • Then The Sheik started to get lippy … 1 penalty burpee

The Thang:

Mosey to DUMC, grab a paver and circle up (all in cadence):

(PAX was put on notice, every time The Sheik didn’t complete all exercises, penalties would be applied)

  • Set #1: 15 WWII sit-ups
  • Set #2: full curls x 15, low flutters x 25, set #1
  • Set #3: mosey up to front of the church, CDD x 15, Crunchy Frog x 25, mosey back to set #2 & #1
    • 1 penalty burpee (crunchy frog violation)
  • Set #4: skull crusher x 15, mason twist x 25, proper mosey, set #3, #2 and #1
    • 2 penalty burpees (mason twist fail) & 3 penalty burpees (waiving arms does not = crunchy frog)
  • Mobility Minute: pigeon stretch left, pigeon stretch right
  • Set #5: mosey down to the corner: 8 ct. body builder x 15, single leg LBC x 25, mosey back, sets #4, #3, #2 & #1
    • 4 penalty burpees (8ct bb … almost there)


Mosey back to the Davidson Green

  • Recover-recover