The Six-Six

Event Date

Oct 10, 2019


4 showed for a cool fall morning at Cobalt. Q covered disclaimer and we got right to it.

Cherry Pickers 10 IC, Windmills 15 IC, SSH 15 IC
Burp & Merk – 1 burpee, 1 merkin, 1 burpee, 2 merkins, 1 burpee, 3 merkins………up to 1 burpee, 10 merkins
Run to boat launch parking lot
The Six-Six
6 laps around boat launch parking lot with stations set up at top of parking lot and gazebo with 6 exercises at each. Each lap around included the called exercise / reps for each station. Lap 1 = Start at Station 1 at top of parking lot for 10 burpees. Run to Station 2 at gazebo for 10 diamond merkins. Run back to Station 1 for completion of 1 lap. Pax alternated between bear crawl, lunge walk and backwards runs up the hill in the parking lot (about half the lap each time).
Station 1 – Pkg lot entrance: 1) Burpees – 10, 2) CDD's – 15, 3) Catalina wine mixers – 5 (high plank to chilcutt back to high plank + merkin = 1 rep), 4) 4X4's – 5 (burpee with 4 merkins and 4 mountain climbers), 5) Plank Jacks – 15, 6) One leg Burpees – 10  [All OYO] 
Station 2 – Gazebo: 1) Diamond Derkins – 10, 2) Dips – 15, 3) Table sit ups – 10, 4) Step ups – 20 / 10 each leg, 5) Dips – 15, 6) Wide Derkins – 10  [All OYO]
Circle for: Leg lifts 25 single count, low flutter 25 IC, box cutter 10 IC (holding at 6 inches between sets)
Walk to top of hill on trail and circle for plank set: high plank, right hand back pocket, left hand back pocket, right arm up, left arm up, right knee to right elbow with 5 merkins in that position, left knee to left elbow with 5 merkins, high plank hold.
AYG run back to clubhouse (0.33 mile)
Burp & Merk – see above for details
Low wipers 20 IC (El Tigre), Jane Fonda 15 each side IC (Mojito), Downward Dog leg raises 10 alternating legs (Surf and Turf)
  • Weather didn't disappoint this morning. Finally cooling down and very comfortable.
  • Extra credit to Mojito for running to and from the workout (+2 miles)
  • Lots of bourbon discussion post workout. Surf has a solid trip coming up with some buddies for tasting in Lexington. Who would have thought that flight costs 5 hundo.
  • El Tigre talking about empty nesting and bourbon trips…..coming soon
  • Respect around the corner for Mojito
  • Thanks for taking us out Surf and Turf….well said
  • F3 Area 51 is doing a coat drive for the West Blvd Ministry. Collecting coats for infants through adults. My brother, Mermaid, is leading the drive for Area 51. Get me any coats you can spare before 11/2 and I'll get them to the right place for delivery. Coats will be hand delivered to neighbors in need on 11/2.
  • Appreciate you guys letting me lead this morning. Great work fellas.