The Sorter

Event Date

Mar 03, 2016


March 3, 2016


The Sorter

12 Men took the DRP today at SVU.  Perfect weather + new challenges = great fun.  Q was happy to be back online and in the fold.  What a great way to start your day.

Warm up: (all legs, make sure those legs are loose.  It’ll be important later…..)


10 IC Mountain Climbers

10 Air Squats

10 IC Cotton Pickers

Exercise: The Sorting starts……

Hill Sprints with Merkin spacers (x 5) – Line up as you place in the sprints.  Goal is to pass the man in front of you, and let the man behind you catch up.  Can the fast guys get to the end of the line in only 5 attemps???

50 IC SSH – Thrown in for fun.  HR’s are already smokin’, might as well pile it on.

Cul-de-sac sprints with Burpee spacers (x 4) – OK, Q wasn’t planning on 12 PAX.  This was a little crowded.  Fun, but crowded.

50 Jump Squats

Repeat-o on Hill Sprints with Merkins (x 5) – Cheetah and Skipper decide to shred the PAX in attempting to be the first man down the line.  You thought Q was gassed and spit out the back in round 1, but really was just making the FNG’s feel welcome.  At least that’s the story I’m telling.  

Centipede Bear Crawl – Just like it sounds, super fun.  

Roll back with Merkin / Stranded Turtle combo’s 10×10

6 MoM:

  • 20 LBC

  • 10 Dolly’s

  • 10 LBC

  • 10 Rosalita’s

  • 10 V-ups

  • 10 Dr. W’s


Reflection:  Parable of the Weeds

Matthew 13:24-26 “The Kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.  So when the plants came up and bore grain, the weeds appeared also.”

The good and the bad of daily life.  Some is of our choosing, and some comes to us from other’s choices.  Either way, we must be deliberate in sorting the wheat from the weeds.  Focus on first things first.  What’s important to your mission?  What is your primary?  Sort it out.  If you need help, look around you.  Someone has your six.  Iron Sharpens Iron.

“We thank you Lord for the ability and opportunity to do what we did this morning.   Thank you for the gift of another day and we pray that each of these men will take this gift and make a positive difference in the world.  Help us Lord to leave here this

Mole Skin:

  • Welcome 2 FNG’s.  Hope you got your money’s worth.  Since they both work at Race City in Denver and posted as a pair, temporary names assigned were “Oxy” and “Acetylene”.  At least until their second post.  

  • Q wanted to do different and planned “Run Focus”.  Now Q remembers why he hates running.

  • 12 running The Sorter is probably over the limit

  • 50 IC SSH makes the PAX nervous.  Thought we almost had a merlot splash.

  • It’s hard to catch the man infront after Burpees

  • Jump Squats = Gas……. not good.

  • Cheetah seemed to be on a mission during the 2nd Hill sprints.  Great job Skipper, Metro, Clark and Vortex for holding him at bay.  

  • Centipede Bear Crawls came to me in a dream at 3 am this morning

  • I missed a lot of mumble chatter due to trying to breathe. Sound off below on what was missed.

  • Thanks for the opportunity.  I had a blast.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb