The speaker on the curb only means one thing….

….Descending curb crawls to get the morning started right.  After being admittingly sore after the Murph on Monday, I was even a bit nervous about my body getting through today.  My body welcomed the pain, and hope the other Pax did as well.  Here's the story of 20 guys from today.

FNG – Jim Lowry decided to take on the 0500 alarm this AM for his first post. This has been a long time coming – come back on Friday to LFC so we can name you!

Warmorama – Mosey / SSH X 40IC (Monkey Nut wanted 100, but I ended a bit early cause I am not sure he knew what was about to hit him).

Da Thang

  • Descending Curb Crawls
    • Bear Crawl from one side of driveway to other.  10 incline mericans down to 1.  (45 incline mericans just to get this party started)
  • Mosey to the rocks
  • Rocks / Sprint / One Legged Burpee
    • Curls X 25IC
    • Sprint to last BBall hoop
    • One legged Burpees X 5 (never touching your other foot to the ground)
      • Left leg X 5
      • Right leg X 5
    • Low Flutter X 25IC
    • Mosey back
    • Move two rocks to left
    • Skull Crushers X 20IC
    • Move 2 rocks to left
    • Move rocks to the wall
    • Peoples Chair Shoulder Press X 10 IC
    • Sprint to last BBall hoop
    • Burpees X 10 OYO (we may have done 5 but don't remember – ten sounds better)
    • Carolina Dry Docks X 10IC
    • Mosey back grab your rock
    • Move 2 rocks left
    • Rock Swings X 20 OYO
    • Rock Chest Press w/Low Flutters X 15IC
  • Lap Around School 
  • Partners (2 rounds)
    • 1 = Louis Z.
    • 2 = 1/2 way around school, 10 Derkins on HIGH planters run back
    • Flap Jack
    • 1 = Louis Z
    • 2 = Run to bus entrance for Australian p/u's X 10 OYO and run back
    • Flap Jack
  • Plank Holds / Mericans
    • Plank hold / 10 Mericans
    • Plank hold / 8 Mericans
    • Plank hold / 6 Mericans
    • Plank hold / 4 Mericans (needed a little downward dog here to relieve some of the burn)
    • Plank hold / 2 Mericans
    • Plank hold / 1 Merican
  • Rock Curls X 15 IC
  • Skull Crushers X 15 IC
  • Should Press X 10 IC
  • Return Rocks
  • Mary….oh not yet…
  • Sprint from cars to other end of parking lot
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • Sprint (I mean sprint…this was it…) back
  • Mary – Big Big Crunch 1 min.
  • Recover, Recover


  • An ecletic mix of tunes today – Buring Heart – Survivor, Enter Sandman – Metalica, Start Me Up – Stones, Man In A Box – Alice In Chains, Scar Tissue – RHCPeppers, Paul Revere – BBoys, Thunderstruck – AC/DC, Under Pressure – Queen / DB (perfect during Louis Z.'s), Crazy Train – Ozzy, White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane, and Gold On The Ceiling – The Black Keys (Jim FNGs go to tune – in fact I think he still owes me money for buying it a couple years back)
  • Speaking of FNG, great showing by Jim the FNG.  Been a buddy for 12 years, and as a former P90X'er and fellow gym partner of mine, F3 is just what he needed.  Okay, he did lose an epic Ping Pong match to Bam Bam about 6+ months ago which was the catalyst that ultimately got him here!  Nice job Jim!  See u at LFC on Friday!!!
  • Good to see some "regulars" coming out to The Mighty Oak nowadays!  After doing the Murph with me on Monday, and then working out yesterday too, I thought for sure Caboose would fartsack it today! Not happening – was a strong partner of mine today. 
  • Denim – you are here regularly and its shows.  Man, I can't keep up with you anymore!  Great work!
  • The MacAulay was in full effect (BamBam, Croc, Bandwagon, Raven, and TommyBoy) today minus a few, but a STRONG showing as usual. Based on the rock BamBam picked up today, I should have counted it in the #f3count numbers!  Good grief!  #beastmode
  • Fescue – you've come a LONG ways since your first post here (your F3 naming) when you about lost whatever you ate the night before. Good news – you fought through it then, and it has clearly paid off!  You are getting stronger and stronger.  Keep coming consistenly – #itworks (Olive and Bam Bam about made me puke 1 year ago this week – so I know it works)
  • Frogger – i need to order some bigger rocks for you!  Dude, bummed foot, doesn't matter, you are a beast!
  • Rocket was looking like he did a full body workout before the workout today.  I don't know where you ran from, but you are a beast!  Great work today.
  • Haselhoff – strong showing as usual. I hope I am as strong as you at 50 years old #RESPECT  
  • Funky Town – this is the first week I played the Stones, and when you showed up in the Rolling Stone's (tongue out of mouth) shirt, you were meant to be here today!  Nice work today!
  • TyWebb – get that Carrier (cooling unit) fixed at GOE – it's awfully loud.  I am sure you can just strap a new one to your back and run over. #youreabeast #usainbolt
  • BurVegas, Madoff, Onstar, Mayhem – you guys killed it today!  Great seeing you guys out here again!  

Great work men.  As I mentioned in the COT – we are all faced with challenges on a daily basis.  Some are easy to face, some seem darn near impossible!  Don't forget that F3 is #morethanaworkout so lean on your brothers when you need a hand, an ear, or a shoulder #2ndF  Go face your challenges, whatever they may be.  Take life one day at a time (Matthew 6:34 – it's been my motto for 20+ years).  Prayers for Olive!

Until next time (Friday for me at LFC under BamBam's lead) – Ditka's OUT!