The Stars were out at Hollywood

7 of LKN's finest Stars came out for a beatdown that some say could win the Oscar. Here's the screenplay.


YHC was all alone for the standard… classic horror movie opening scene, but I ran a little over a mile then stayed warm in my car for the rest of the time.




  • Mosey down to bottom of hill on the greenway
  • SSH, IST, CP, Windmill, Mountain Climber all x 15 IC

The Thang

  • Starting at the bottom of the hill
    • Mericans
    • Carolina Dry Docks
    • Squats
    • Alternating Lunge
    • Run to top of Hill
    • 5 Burpees
    • Run back down
      • 1st round 10 of each (only 5 burpees)
      • Repeato increasing reps by 5 (except for burpees) each time until we got to 25
  • Mosey to Movie Theater Wall
    • Balls to the Wall hold for 10 count
    • Peoples Chair
      • Arm curl x 10IC
      • Shoulder Press x 10IC
  • Mosey to fountain in front of Movie Theater
    • Dips x 10 IC
    • 10 Step Ups each leg OYO
    • Incline Merican x 10 IC
    • 10 Box Jumps OYO
    • Decline Merican x 10IC
  • Mosey to middle fountain
    • 10 Pull Ups OYO
    • 10 Squat Jumps OYO
    • 10 Partner Lawn Mowers each arm
    • 10 Squat Jumps OYO
    • 10 Pull Ups OYO
  • Mosey back to launch


  • 20 LBC IC
  • 10 Low Flutter IC
  • 10 Low Dolly IC
  • 10 Jane Fondas IC each leg
  • Elbow Plank Leg Raises x 10 IC
  • 20 WW2 Sit Ups
  • Scissor Kicks x 20 
  • Downward dog -> Pigeon

Recover Recover




  • Q's are needed all around. YHC needs them in February and March at Bailey Road Park, Hasselhoff needs them at Samson, and Cousin Eddie needs them at Fission. Sign up!
  • Great work by all PAX this morning, not too much mumble chatter but it was entertaining when there was
  • Thanks Gnarly Goat for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. H