The State of the Union – “It is cold outside”

Warm UP

Mosey around the School

10 SSH, 2 burpees, 10 IST, 4 burpees, 10 Windmills, 6 burpees, 10 Carrot Pullers, 8 burpees


Mosey to the playground

Split into 2 groups

Group 1 – Pull ups with a 2 count hang at the bottom. As many as you can but no more than 5.

Group 2 – 15 Squats ©


Group 1 – Pull ups with a 2 count hang at the bottom. As many as you can but no more than 5.

Group 2 – 10 Lunges each leg



Up to the black top 5 Burpees then sprint to the other side

Mosey to the front

Group 1 – 30 LBC’s

Group 2 – Leap frog the Balls with a burpee in between each


15 dips ©

10 Box jumps

15 dips ©

10 Box jumps

10 incline mericans ©

5 setups each leg

10 incline mericans ©

Mosey to the blacktop

Peoples Chair

Balls to the wall

10 kick the wall ©

Peoples Chair

Balls to the wall with 2 handstand pushup OYO

10 kick the wall ©

Circle Up

10 MAC-tar JIE, 15 WWII, 10 shoulder Touch Mericans

Great day for a workout under the Super Blue Blood Moon this morning. 17 showed up for the pain of a Swing State workout and surprisingly very few left when they found out I had the Q. That said we did 35 burpees this workout which I understand has put me on the Sweet C blacklist, you will be missed. Mumble Chatter focused on an old standby, how sad the Browns are and some general cutting on the mistake on the lake which is Cleveland. It is comforting to know that 30 years from now my son with be having the same conversation with friends. I also heard some discussion about safety concerns for an upcoming trip by one to my home town of Baltimore. It is the city I was born in, called home for the majority of my life and have so many great memories that I can’t say anything bad about it. I will say when my first child was born we moved to Baltimore County, with my second we moved to the next county over, after the third we moved to Huntersville.

We ended the workout a little early today so that Swing State could throw down the ALS Habanero pepper challenge. The challenge was accepted by some, others took the alternate 20 Burpee penalty, and still others watched and shook their heads. We took on the ALS Pepper challenge in support of the search for the cure and in memory of those close to use whose lives have been effected by this disease, specifically Funky Towns father and Pax member C3-PO.

The workout ended with naming of Nacho Libre. The only man who showed up in shorts today and who’s first workout was on Murph Monday. Very Impressive.

Thanks for the push to lead today Swing State. I don’t Q enough to give back half what take each week.