The Storm before the Storm

Event Date

Jan 21, 2016

Also in attendance but not registered on the web-site: Hipster, Alpha Bravo, Little Dipper and Davidson Mayhem.  War Daddy – Hawkeye, War Baby – Alpha Bravo

When the 2.1 and I pulled up to the green – we thought it might just be father/son bonding time.  Traffic had the PAX pulling up at the last minute.  By the time the warm-up was over – we were 8 strong.

With a nod to the Panthers – YHC brought a football.  It stayed with us as we moseyed about.  If it gets dropped at anytime – 5 Burpee penalty for the PAX.


SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Peter Parkers x 10 IC

Parker Peters x 10 IC

Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey over to campus – traffic seemed a bit heavy in the People's Rupublic as the residents scurried about looking for the perfect brie and some crusty bread to weather the storm.

We set up camp at the front of the Chambers Building – find a partner for Dora 1-2-3

Partner A ran to the cross walk and back, Partner B perfromed AMRAP

As a unit perform –

100 Merkins

200 Jump Squats (crowd pleaser)

300 LBCs

Gather facing the steps

10 Alternating step ups each leg – OYO

Plank at the base of the steps

Merkin pyramid – 5 regular merkins, 5 incline on the first step, 5 incline on the second step, 5 incline on the first step, 5 regular merkins

Repeato Merkin Pyramid

Line up on the grass for a little Panther inspired cardio

10 x 40 yard dash

Mosey back to the green

So far – no one has dropped the pigskin – which meant no burpees

Remedy this situation

From the launchpad – face Davidson/Concord Rd

10 Broad Jump Burpees OYO

Turn around and come back the same way


Dying Cockroach

Pretzel Crunch


Low Flutter

Elbow plank until the chimes chime

Recover Recover

Snow Anticipation Moleskin

– Always feel blessed to be with this group.  Doubly blessed tonight as Alpha Bravo joined his old man and really killed it.

– Hall Monitor and Turnpike obviously got the appropriate shots and cleared Duvall's rigorous screening and posted in the People's Republic.  Turnpike has really embraced F3 and its great to see his energy.

– We prayed for Firecrackker who is dealing with a bulging disc – heal up, brother.

– 4 for post workout beers at Summit.  We went upstairs for a taste of the Summit Singer/Songwriter Session.  Good music.  At one point – the velvety voiced MC said "A reminder that we are recording tonight – so if you'd please keep the noise to a minimum, we would be forever in your debt."  Translation – "Will the 3 sweaty guys and the kid in the back please stop talking."  Ouch

– YHC got a text at Summit "Stop by the ABC store for Bailey's – snow day coffee."  Was able to wrap things up and get the M her supllies with minutes to spare. 

– Enjoy the snow.  Be safe.
