The Story of The Viking

Event Date

Dec 26, 2017


7 Vikings were right at home in the freezing temps at NMP.


Mosey around parking lot and circle up

SSH x 20 IC

Cotton Picker x 10 IC

Slow Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC


1 burpee then run lap around parking lot

2 burpees then run lap around parking lot

REPEATO up to 5 burpees

Mosey to rock pile and get a rock

Curl x 10 IC

Skull Crusher x 10 IC

Bent over row x 10 IC

Run down to bathroom and do 10 squats

Run back to rocks

REPEATO decreasing reps by 2 down to 4

Mosey to covered picnic tables by basketball courts

Half the group runs to end of courts and back while other half does:

  1. Dips x 20 & Air press x AMRAP until running group returns

Flapjack and REPEATO with:

  1. Step-ups x 5 each leg & decline merkins AMRAP

  2. Squats AMRAP

Mosey to lower lot for 4 corners

Corner 1:  Merkins x 10 IC

Sprint to Corner 2

Corner 2:  Alternating Lunge x 10 IC

Sprint to Corner 3

Corner 3:  Jump Squat x 10 OYO

Sprint to Corner 4

Corner 4:  8 count bodybuilder x 5 IC

REPEATO but decrease reps by 2

Mosey back to upper lot for Mary


LBC x 15 IC

Dying Cockroach x 15 IC

Freddy Mercury x 15 IC

Low Flutter x 15 IC

J-lo x 10 IC

Pickle Pounder x 10 IC


  1. Thanks everyone for coming out in the frigid temps.Good way to work off the extra Christmas calories….or make room for more!

  2. Thanks Stromboli for the Q.It’s been a while since I’ve been to a weekday Isotope AO.

  3. I don’t recall much mumblechatter but solid Coffeeteria session afterwards though.

See y’all in the gloom,

Ty Webb