Pax not listed: M16 and FNG Dan Carmin
I rolled in to St. Marks parking lot prepared to lay it down, and there were 5 or 6 guys already in puddles on the ground. I was pleasantly surprised when they all stuck around, so i decided to go easy on them.
- We kicked things off with a little Green Sally. As i'm writting this, i just remembered that i had intended to end with Green Sally as well. Oh well, next time!!!
- We did some Mountain Climbers and stretching.
- Mosey to the pull-up bars
The Thang:
- Pull Ups x10
- Lunges x10 each leg
- Toe Touches on the Pull Up bars x10
- WWII Sit Ups x10
Grab a block and mosey to the field by the church. Zamparini half way, and curls the other half.
- Bear Crawl to the end and back
- Crab Walk feet first to the end, head first coming back
- Dragon Crawl to the end, and walk back
- Mosey around the church and back to the blocks
- Block Webbs x1/4 up to 5/20
Mosey back to the Pull Up bars for some block work.
- Chest Press x21 IC
- Full Curls x10 IC
- Skull Crushers x10 IC
- Shoulder Press x10 IC
- High Curl x10 IC
- Low Curl x10 IC
- Chest Press x10 IC
Put the blocks back, and circle up.
- Dot the "i" x15 IC
- Susan Summers x25 IC each leg
- Kid Rock led Homer to Marge, Rosalita, Homer to Marge combo
- Monkey Humpers x15 IC
- The mumble-chatter started earlier and aggressively after i tried to run over Kid Rock's head…what's up with that!??
- T-claps to those that double-downed (Callahan, M16, Mojito, Kid Rock, Landline, Twister, ???). My arms were shaking at Coffetaria after 1 beatdown…i can only image 2!!!
- It was good to see Firestone and Panzer out there after some time on the IR. It looked like they haven't missed a beat!
- Kid Rock, Metallica, and Moses were relentless with the mumble-chatter today. I hope they didn't scare FNG Dan! Kid Rock was especially critical of my Q skills, and particularly that many of the exercises did not require cadence. Interestingly, when i asked him during Mary to teach me how to Q, he proceeded to lead us threw 5 minutes of misery that did not involve any cadence!?!? I'm so confused!!!
- Speaking of FNG Dan…he thought he had the perfect excuse last night when i tried to EH him for today. He said he had to help the M setup for a garage sale today. Unfortunately for him, his M walked out in the middle of our conversation, and confirmed that they would be setup early enough for him to make the workout! I love it when a plan comes together!!! He crushed the pull-ups and toe-touches. Moses questioned my manhood when Dan showed us all up on the bars!
- Omega and FNG Dan both arived about 4 minutes late, and missed the launch with Green Sally! I'm sure they made up for it at home after the workout.
- The Force did arrive on time, but tried to steal YHC's gloves, as he forgot his own. I informed him that mine would not work for him, since they had 10 fingers!!
- Top Gun, M16, Twister and Mojito took care of business today. I did not hear a lot of complaining from them, which only tells me that the beatdown was not difficult enough. And 2 of those guys double-downed!! Sorry guys…I'll try harder next time!!!
- It was great to have Callahan and Landline join for 1/2 of a beatdown.
- I appreciate Snake Eyes joining in the fun this morning. It's always good to have you out there bro! I hope you had a nice lunch with Mom!
- Thanks for the opportunity to lead you all today!