The Substitute

Event Date

Dec 29, 2016

3 knuckleheads put in 4 miles in the rain (El Chapo, Stray, and 9-Lives), and 4 smart Pax waited for the rain to stop at 5:09 to begin the beatdown.  But where was the Q, Snake Eyes???

Don't worry…Toxic had this…and just happened to have bricks in the back of the Jeep (Snake Eyes may have mentioned needing a stand in)!!!  I thought i had gotten a raw deal when i woke up at 4:30, and heard the rain pouring down.  But God smiled upon this band of merry brothers, and stopped the rain precisely at 5:09, for our 5:10 launch.


  • Brick Straddle Hop  x15 (typical Fenway disclaimer included)
  • Brickmill  x10 IC
  • Brick Layer  x15 IC
  • Brick Soldier  x10 IC
  • Brick Merican  x15 IC

?The Thang:

  • To the Soccer field for some Brick Crawls, Crab Bricks, and Dragon Bricks…at least that's what the Q did.  The Pax were in all-out revolt and did whatever they wanted!!!
  • Mosey (apply named 'Brosey' by Little Ben for moseying with bricks) to the pain clock, with various routines mixed in (the Brickadactyl, Brick Swings, Curls…), and some stops for Bricky Balboas, and maybe some other things (it's been a long day!).
    • Various Brick work (8-count Brickers, Brick Squats, Mericans, Curls, etc…)
    • Each followed by a lap around the clock (forward, backward, karaoke)

Mosey back to the Home Tree, with a stop at Queens Corner for Freddie Brickury's.


  • ?Dot-the-"i"  x15  (think of "The W" with your legs closed at 45 degree angle)  GO BUCKS!!!
  • Shoulder-Brick Mericans  x15 IC



  • Where was Black Beard?  After all of the promotion on Twitter yesterday of this being 9-Lives' last weekday post for awhile, it appears this pirate is afraid of water!!!
  • ?There was a sense of relief from many of the Pax when Snake Eyes didn't show, but an equal sense of regret when they realized who The Substitute was.  It was like being in school and finding out there was a substitute, and then realizing it was the one substitute that everyone hated because they were so strict!
  • Well the Pax tested the boundaries with the Brick Crawls, Crab Bricks, and Dragon Bricks, but the substitute Q was having none of it!
  • The Pax were in a very chatty mood this morning, and the rain, and Pax attitude, put a damper on some of my more ambitious plans.  So i called an audible, and decided that running with bricks was what the Pax needed.
  • We learned this morning that Little Ben carries a significant stash of edible treats in cellophane wrappers in his pockets…though he did not offer to share, so we're not sure if they were any good!
  • The Force had a very peculiar way of saying cadence during the Dot-the-"i" exercise!  Instead of counting, he kept spelling the loser's name of this Saturday's game!?!?!
  • We're going to miss 9-Lives during the weekdays for the next 24 weeks, as he gets to sleep in for 6:30 PT with the Concord Fire Dept!  Congrats, and best of luck bro!!
  • Prayes for Snake Eyes' mom who has been in the hospital recently.  And thanks for considering me as your sub!  We tried to do you proud, and offer up our prayers for your mother by capping today off with some Shoulder-Brick Mericans!
  • Prayers for Stray's aunt who underwent a significant heart procedure today.  We hope all went perfectly!
  • And finally, thanks to The Force for letting me Q 2 weeks in a row…even though you didn't know about today's fill-in!