The Sweat, The Block and The Merkin

ALSO PART OF THE PAX: The Dragon, Shamrock, Rambo


24 men enjoyed a decidedly humid gloomy beatdown – complete with the start of Merkin Monday



Circle the Birkdale Speedway 2x then land at the launch pad for the following warm-o-rama:

SSH x 25

Merkin x 10

Cotton picker x 20

Merkin x 9

Squat x 20

Merkin x 8

IST x 20

Merkin x 7

Partner up and mosey to rock pile

Partner 1 grab block and Zamperini back to launch pad

Partner 2 walking lunge

Merkin x 6

Partner 1 – Overhead presses

partner 2 – circle the speedway


Merkin x 5

Partner 1 – Curls

partner 2 – Circle speedway


Merkin x 4

Partner 1 – Skull Crushers

Partner 2 – Circle Speedway


Merkin x 3

Partner 1 – Chest Presses

Partner 2 – Circle Speedway

Merkin x 2

Partner 1 – Knee ups with block on chest

Partner 2 – circle Speedway


Merkin x 1

REPEATO (except for first exercise – Partner 2 did squats)

Merkin x 2, 3, 4, 5

Alternate partner replaces blocks

Merkins x 6

LBC x 25

Merkins x 7

Ws x 20

Merkins x 8

Homer to Marge with flutter kicks x 10

Merkins x 9

V ups x 10 each side

Merkins x 10




1) Great work by the entire PAX (and lots of sweat too)

2) T claps for 2.0s – The Dragon and Rambo for making it out this AM. Good work Men

3) Sweet C let us know about the F3 Dads and the F3 event at the Knights.. check the website for more news

4) Our hearts and prayers go our to out to Richard Sheltra, his family and friend and fellow firefighters across the area…. RIP…